Ch. 34 | Chimera Hunter

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The moon finally climbed out from the range of mountains making the island of Galliath. Above green and grey peaks, soaring atop massive trees and fogs covering the city of Omer Narrows, through clouds nestling together to sleep, a crescent shine peeked from above. The cycle itself was almost finished.

Haranswere taught to believe that on every full moon, the deities from the skies above stepped down from their highly-placed pedals and moved into Errarion to watch over its people from the shadows, judging, smiling, and seeing how things changed for the better. Such nights were often associated with blessings. It wasn't rare to hear from someone that something magical and otherworldly happened while the others slept.

The moon itself always meant something to Morio. If it wasn't a sign that everyone saw it somewhere, it was almost pointing in the direction of home.

A place where no one would tell him he was weak. An abode where he could feel at peace.

Morio blinked, and the white tree with hanging leaves turned into a reflection of Jyuzou, wearingly watching the other Morian. Morio slowly turned, with half a huff, furrowing one eyebrow.

"What are you doing?" Jyuzou asked.

Morio shrugged. "Sitting by the canal."

Jyuzou sighed, looking to the side for a moment. The sounds of the winds picked up in the distance, and Morio stared at the water again. "Something's obviously on your mind. I'm not stupid."

Morio scratched his forehead. Jyuzou knew the answer. He furrowed both brows, perfectly aware of the outcome of trying to open up. He sighed as well, shifting the conversation's focus onto something else.

"Do you still have Wonder Flora with you?" he asked.

Jyuzou made a strange noise, opening his mouth. "Of course, Morio. I wouldn't leave it behind."

"I just haven't seen you using it."

"How many times do you expect me to read the same book, over and over again?"

"Even though you don't know all of its contents?"

Jyuzou squinted his eyes. "What's your problem?"

"Nothing." Morio clenched his fist, punching the ground lightly. "I'm just curious about something, that's all."

"What?" he snickered.

"The trees in the Bore Forest. What were they called?" Morio asked, staring forward. With each second that passed, his friend resembled the mentioned bark more and more, for no apparent reason.

"We're not in Shimori," he replied.

"What are they called?" Morio repeated.

Jyuzou rolled his eyes. "White willows. Although they don't necessarily resemble the trees of the same name which grow in Lignoria and such. The leaves are naturally white in Yule and change into a greenish later in the year."

Morio tapped his foot. "I guess you wouldn't see them anywhere else than in Shimori."

"Morio," Jyuzou spoke. "I already told you once. The less I think of home, the less-"

"Oh, this isn't about Shimori!" Morio snapped, finally standing up.

Jyuzou was taken aback, stepping to the right, and peering at Morio's face. The white-haired had disdain written all over, and Jyuzou's shock quickly turned into anger. The latter put their fist near their chin, trying to calm down.

"Then, tell me," Jyuzou muttered. "What is it that you want to know, huh?"

Morio sighed.

"Tell me! Because earlier you insisted on doing everything by yourself that Ms Koyote had to hurt herself to save this weak thing you are!" he raised his hand.

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