Ch. 56

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Meanwhile, the mentioned white-haired moved into the basement area and tried to navigate through the darkness. The few, small, closed windows nearing the low-level ceiling let as much light in as the settled dust on the panes allowed them to. Either way, it didn't reveal any mind-bending information, spare the few boxes placed on either end of the open basement, as well as a shut door neatly hiding behind a half-wall. Morio trod through the storage area, blindly stepping into shallow puddles of what he only hoped to be water, passing by open crates with spoiled, rotting food, flies infesting whatever was left of it.

With one slow turn back to the staircase, he vaguely caught the echoes of Genni's voice, before his attention fully turned to the metallic door separating whatever was behind it.

He tried the circular handle, but it didn't work, and then he noticed the peephole in the middle, open, and reflecting some light on the other side. He closed one eye, peaking in, before spotting something resembling a... tree?

A white willow, standing atop nothing. Its drooping leaves eventually formed into what he could only describe as a weird smile, and with each second that passed, the mentioned beam became more and more clear, turning into lips with bloody lines going down the chin and eyes covered with a white cloth.

Something landed on Morio's shoulder.

"GAAAH!" The Morian screamed.

"What?! What happened?" Genni quickly asked, stepping away, as Morio's terrified face fixated on her features.

"IT'S..!" he pointed at her, gulping. "Just... you." he gasped for air, falling to the ground and sighing out.

"Was something on the other side of that door?" Genni quickly asked, pointing. "Let me see!" she added, looking in as well. Morio raised one eyebrow, huffing, yet still curious. "Ah, that's the other staircase then," she added, in relief. "Phew, Morio. Scared the crap out of me!"

"S-Speak for yourself!" Morio raised his voice. "Sneaking up on me out of nowhere..." he stood up, brushing dust off his clothes.

"I did call for you earlier." Genni smiled, fixing her glasses with both fingers. "I was wondering why you didn't answer."

"What for? Did you find something interesting?" Morio scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, mostly speculations." Genni glanced up. "Theories and whatnot to what might've happened here in the first place. Wanna hear it?"

"I mean, there's nothing of interest in this basement other than... rotting foods," Morio answered, nonchalantly. "I think that might be blood, over there." he pointed.

"More proof to my speculations!" Genni nodded to herself. "Let's get out of this basement, then~"

As Genni said, Morio followed through, taking the lead and making haste through the only visible path. Visible, because the longer they stayed inside, the more their eyes got used to the darkness. When Genni squinted hers, she spotted Morio's hand continuously resting on the grip of his sword, hidden away in its sheath.

"Morio?" Genni asked, and Morio stopped, turning, with a sigh. "You... probably don't realise how similar you and Ingo are."

"What? Me?" he smirked a little. "Come on, Genni, why do you bring that up?"

"For one, you don't let go of your weapon no matter what happens. Your hand always stays near your Guardian Demon." she pointed.

Morio looked down. "Even if I can't use it? This is where the differences begin, Genni. Nothing else brings us closer."

"...but you want to be better than him, don't you?" Genni tilted her head. "Because you think he's superior at something that both of you pursue. Raw strength, and perhaps, skills as a Demonear. One same goal, but two different mindsets." Genni closed her eyes. "I'd say, you're rivals."

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