Ch. 11 | The Alley of Roses

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"Too?!" Morio stood up. "You don't even resemble half-" he stopped, his pointing finger once again scanning Genni's and Ingo's clothes, moving up towards their faces. More minor features, puffier hair. "Oh my Shin." he stepped back. "OH MY SHIN!" Morio jumped up, excitedly.

"You're Morians..?" Jyuzou asked, uncertain. "Seriously?" he mouthed.

"Yes!" Genni nodded. "Although I don't think anyone would've noticed that except for Morians themselves." she giggled.

Ingo brushed through his hair.

"Huh..." Jyuzou smiled, curious, scratching his chin.

"Morian father, Haran mother. Ingo's pretty much the same, but we're not family. Part of the reason why we were close back home, all those years ago." she explained, chuckling.

"Cool." words spat out from Ingo's inpatient lips. "First time seeing someone else, Genni? We have a meeting to attend that WE'RE ALREADY LATE FOR!" Ingo repeated, pointing to the street extending behind him, and Morio snuck a gaze at a distant structure.

"There?" Morio pointed.

"Why do you care?" Ingo snickered.

"I don't know, maybe because we're heading in the same direction, dumbass!" Morio raised his voice, quickly regretting his sharp tongue, lifted into the air, this time by his thin collar.

"Over there?" Jyuzou uttered, repeating words.

"Ah." Genni rubbed the sweat off her forehead. "It was already quite the busy day. At first, a phoenix soared from the skies carrying a letter that we're to be in Galliath by tomorrow!"

Morio managed to sneak out from Ingo's furious embrace, ducking down.

"Similar here, although someone else did the job," Jyuzou uttered.

"Really?" Genni looked at both. "Maybe you'll also tell me that you found a note in your pocket telling you to find a place called Roses Alley or-"

Jyuzou took the paper out of his pocket.

"Oh, sweet witch," Genni uttered. "We're heading to the same place, then!" she smiled. "Wonder what for?"

"Y-You said that you were late," Jyuzou said, and Morio snuck a careful glance at Ingo, who scanned a different paper. "But we didn't-"

"Oh!" Morio took a small sheet out of his pocket. The other one, since his maps always landed inside the left one. "Reach the street before the sixteenth hour, signed, Behemoth!" Morio read. "WE'RE LATE!"

"THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING!" Ingo screamed.

Genni breathed out, harshly, patting sweaty spots on her forehead with a tight cloth. "We asked for directions which already shaved some time off..." She looked at the scribbles she drew on her own arm, which resembled the turns they were to take towards a big fortress. "Now, the people suddenly storming out on the streets..." she sighed. "That's why we were in such a hurry. Sorry for that again."

"You can never know too much about the world," Jyuzou added, giggling.

"Are any of you going to do something about it?" Ingo asked, gritting his teeth. "Minutes add up! Continuously!"

"Y-You're right." Genni nodded, fixing her glasses (she pushed on the sides with her wrists), which reminded Jyuzou to do so too. Morio rolled his eyes at the sight, slightly annoyed. "Let's not waste our time, come-"

Suddenly, a sound burst through the muffled stampede of people further away from the four Morians. Turning back, they saw another cloud coming their way, at ludicrous speeds, constantly growing bigger.

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