Ch. 81

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"But what celebration, you may ask? Among the strings of things that were continuously going well past these few months, my and all of our actions were noticed and greatly rewarded by the entire world." he extended his arms.

Such actions also involved coining the term "month". It used to describe thirty days back when old Manjuno was still in use but went forgotten all up until Linno thought that it'd be a great way to differentiate certain parts of a season.

Essentially "month" now means one-third of a season, so each season is three months, with a year being twelve. Stupid, I know.

"...and such rewards, came with glorious people paying us a visit. Before the final announcement, I'd like you to humbly, but loudly, welcome the Saphrithians who arrived in town yesterday!"

Hands were clapped, songs were sung, and beer was drunk. Ranpa wasn't necessarily thrilled, and Sam put a hand over his lip.

"Huh. That's right."

"Hm?" Ranpa leaned to the side.

"They said a ship arrived yesterday."

"A ship in Yule? Man, do I hate these rich Saphrith brats." he shook his head. "Just take the mountain path like any normal person would."

The mayor stepped to the side of the pedestal, making way for the mentioned Saphrithians to find their way onto the stage. Among the well-dressed, nameless guards or a few faces that closely resembled a typical bar attendee, two caught the attention of virtually anyone in the vicinity, and even Ranpa who was careless took a longer glance. Maybe it was his hair, but Xard stood proudly, fixing his glasses.

"Royalty," Sam whispered.

"Not every person who wears glasses is royalty, Sam." Ranpa continued. "...and vice-versa."

"Aren't most people in Saphrith royals?"

Ranpa shrugged. "Probably."

The one who stood right by Xard's side was none other than Kania, towering over every other Saphrithian, bearing a big grin as well as an intense stare which Ranpa thought was rather unwelcoming, nevertheless, the Saphrithians bowed to the people of Prope Portam, and some returned the favour.

"It is, my pleasure, and one of my people, dear Saphrithians," Linno said, putting a hand over his heart.

"It is rude to us not to welcome you the same way you welcomed us," Xard explained. "...and it took me a while to get Kania to bow correctly, so there's that."

Kania laughed out loud, and the people of Prope Portam, much like some puppets, joined in his laughter. This seemed to fuel Kania's ego, as a few lines in his raised voice quickly suggested a drinking contest later.

Some people were dissatisfied with this behaviour, however. It seemed the crowd didn't want to choose between thinking of Saphrithians as some stuck-up pricks, but then again, weren't going to place them on the same pedestal they stood on.

It was now Xard who cleared his throat, and the sound managed to break Kania's intense peals of laughter.

"Welcome, dear people of Prope Portam, or as some should say, Paladian brethren." he smiled, bowing. Each of his words was met with awe-filled silence, but Sam and Ranpa couldn't stop staring at his forehead. "We come here bearing great news, changes to the country of Lignoria, as well as the entire Mainland," he spoke. "Changes which, hopefully, will shape the ground we proudly stand on, and help us overcome our greatest fears. Changes, which will bring all Paladians together, hoping to rebuild what was once lost to the nought hands of demons." he shook his head. "Together, with our combined powers and efforts, we'll overcome all sorts of challenges."

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