Ch. 36 - Algae Promise

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Stepping through the darkened and shallow corridors of Grimmora, Lisbeth quickly found herself nearer the tops of the lengthy stretches of formations above.

With some blood flowing down from the open wounds on her hand, they paved the way towards her closed eyes to finally open, facing the sight.

With palms clung to the sharp railings, she focused. No other sound was present except for something dripping in the distance. Dripping, as in, it could've been the water from the bucket in the well not far from here, or the trail of blood she tugged along the way up the stairs.

Either way, something disturbed it the second she closed her eyes and stuck another ear out.

"Did you do it?" Leiru asked, his eyes shrunken.

"Did what?"

"I thought it was obvious." Leiru backed away. "Because I certainly did."

Lisbeth put her hands on the railing again, glancing at the hushed scenery, before uttering a few more words. "Where is everybody?"

"Right where you expected them to be. You paved quite the way, demoness." Leiru chuckled. "...and frankly, I'm tired of always holding back."

Lisbeth gulped. "I'm not going to do anything against Shi Hon's will."

"Not anymore?" he asked. "Even though, back then, you were so keen on showing this world the righteous justice. Why give up on it?"

"I can't."

Leiru sighed, with one final glimpse with his three squinted eyes. Lisbeth clenched her fist, before promptly letting go. The other figure trod the stairs, before disappearing into the darkness.

Lisbeth took a step forward.


"Bingo!" A voice echoed through the dense trees of Orawood.

Two halted breaths away, and Rowan's eyes shrunk at the gaping hole in the Mirillian's palm.

Atomu immediately turned his head, glancing around nervously, while Chyuuichi groaned in pain, staring at his destroyed hand.

"Chyuuichi!" Rowan raised their voice, speedily waddling over as the Mirillian collapsed onto their bent knee.

They ground their teeth, putting his bloodied arm in theirs and closely examining the wound.

"No," they muttered, swiftly glimpsing up. "Don't just stand there, Atomu!" they raised their voice. "Chase the enemies!"

Atomu hesitated for a moment, before bending down, putting his weapon into his hands and sliding off the orange hill into the forests they trod, now engulfed in gloom that generously limited his vision.

The path seemed unfamiliar. There were too many leaves, barks and grass growing where Atomu swore the stepped-out road appeared. His ears picked up the sound of the river's stream flowing somewhere to his left, followed by a howling wind in the distance that eventually blew in his face, denying the traces of any enemies taking their shots.

He looked up, spotting the mountains stretching above the sky, some even close to the moon.

Then, a quick scour from a nearby bush. Alerted, the Paladian put his weapon in both hands, raising it ever so slightly. "Who goes there?!" he raised his voice.

"One try!" A voice echoed in the distance. Although now, it was closer to whispers than an actual exclamation of joy. Atomu furrowed his brows and ran forward, tumbling on a few roots growing around the big oaks and willows, blindly choosing a direction.

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