Ch. 126 - Accursed Flames

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It began with me, and my siblings ploughing all through Malikan. Hunting for demons, treasure, something to experience. When opportunities turned slimmer, we were surely good enough to go even further. See a little more, feel a bit. Of course, some of us were already Demonears. We could overcome any challenge this world presented.

I remember telling Ambrosia that Ennyou and I simply went to Saphrith to see the opening of the second Munian Palace, but rightfully so, they didn't believe us.

For now, though, we set out. Bags in hands, travel equipment. It would've taken us two weeks to tread to Saphrith from Fort Apharel, but that's not where we went. Following the mountain path, we found a thrill in Orawood. Every Paladian talked about its dangers, demons, various unseen animals, as well as pieces of history plastered atop a rather inconvenient background.

I was curious, and so was Ennyou, who was always keen on history.

They'd come to my room at unbelievable hours and tell me about some minute event in Errarion's past, or even further along the world's equator. The idea of seeing the seven war outposts or the SGC they once read about fueled a sense of adventure.

We had the means to learn and to fight if such were to happen. Ennyou carried a long, thin sword resembling bone, extremely sharp. They always had to get up close to scratch their enemy, however.

Through our limited training, I learnt that baiting the opponent from afar and then letting Ennyou swoop in was always the right tactic. This itself went back to their keen interest in history. During the second war, the Demonear Lot from Osmania always sent their troops out in pairs according to their strengths balancing out an extremely powerful source.

Together, alas, maybe perhaps with any Demonear, we could've been undefeatable. So, rationally, we headed down into Westling. Following those big, scary oaks, lakes of algae, as well as leaves that obstructed any of the rational light from seeping in... I guess we should've noticed back then that things weren't as simple as a weapon in hand.

I remember hearing a couple of noises left and right. I thought they were, at the very least, a little unnerving, but Ennyou insisted we tread forward.

A good reason why have of the Demonears that exist are nowhere to be found was exactly what they did, and... I'm partially to blame as well. Too confident, but how many times am I to repeat my own words?

"Ennyou," I muttered, fixing the Sunglow and putting an arrow back into its sheath. A noise followed right after. It creeped me out a little, but my younger Chicho kept a proud smile when turning to me.

Their eyes told of a curiosity that I couldn't necessarily deny. I was curious too.

"You wanna chicken out, Rowan?" they asked.

"No." I brushed sweat off my face. "I reckon we should be more cautious. You never know what you might find in Orawood."

"Hm. I'd say, right." they took a step forward. "Did you know that the algae lakes here are poisonous?"

"O-Of course." I shook my head. "Is there anyone who doesn't know that?"

"There's a deeper end to it, though," they smirked, their orange locks obscuring one eye, but the other suggested that Ennyou did in fact, know more than I did. "During the second war, some of the SGC survivors ran away in the direction of Westling, only to be found by demons disguising themselves as trees." they kneeled. "So, they thought the best hiding spot would've been the algae lakes. They ran, and some stumbled in, never to be heard from again."

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