Ch. 131

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Yet, when it came to being around Opo, it was as if Genni didn't exist at that moment. She didn't mind, though.

"Gambino tells you a lot about the world. You could use that from time to time, Ingo." he pointed, smirking. "Did you know that Tributals, much like those old Harans, also do tattoos? Although, at about the time they're teenagers."

"Huh." Genni smiled.

"Are you implying that I'm stupid?" Ingo asked.


"Then take me there already!" Ingo stood up, and Opo did so too, almost unprompted.

"You aren't ready yet, Go." he shook his head. "I said what I said. Turn thirteen and prove your strength by singlehandedly carrying out a mission against a beastman, then you'll get my stamp, and hair braided by professionals!" he gave him a thumbs-up.

"Fine!" Ingo stood up. "Swing the bat again and I'll prove myself."

"Nah." Opo turned towards the doorway. "I'm stepping out for a little little."

"Grhh..." Ingo growled, with his brother opening the door, waving back with a smirk, and closing it as soon as possible. A few footsteps away, Ingo breathed out, turning to Genni. "Damn him. We can just train by ourselves!"

"Let's... not." Genni beamed, from ear to ear.

"What if he's dipping into the canyon with Champ again and fighting beastmen without me? What a pain, what a pain." he stepped around, nervously. "But he's so damn cool about it too!" he shrugged, almost painfully.

Genni stood up too. She took a quick look around the room. A few tables at the sides, a bed nearing the ceiling, a shelf with a lot of books, and stairs leading down towards a basement, as well as up, towards the straw-roofed storage. One thing always caught her attention, still clung to the wall. She focused her gaze on it, again.

"For a little little..." Ingo repeated. "What is he even smoking? Seeds are in Shimori, aren't they? Mama's from there and I never visited, but I bet he did! Sneaking out with Champ when I wasn't watching!" he turned, looking at Genni, who kept staring at a necklace, plastered onto a wall.

She moved back, a little shocked by Ingo's glimpse, but the other quickly smirked, waddling over, jumping up and taking it off. He slid against the wall, and Genni crouched, looking at it.

"I-It always made me curious," she added.

"Hm, no wonder. It's not any Haran accessory, that you can tell." Ingo looked at the red crystal hanging off thin, embroidered strings. "Malikan."

"You went to Malikan?" she asked.

"Yeah," Ingo replied. "When I was little."

Genni blinked a few times.

"You know, I couldn't tell you anything about this necklace, all up until just a few days ago. I saw Opo sneaking out food from dinner and bringing most of it to Champ. You know, the old wolf in our garden."

"Mhm." she nodded.

"This necklace was sort of a gift for the animal, strangely enough." Ingo continued, his smile turning into a more serious expression. "I got my brother to spill the ins and outs. I was born with a very sore throat, and if it wasn't going to be cured here, we had to make a run for it. That's when Opo found Champ, in the nearby forest, because the whole thing stressed him so much that he tried to run away from the problem. Your sibling's barely born and there was a chance he wasn't going to see the light of tomorrow."

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