Ch. 40

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Koyote wholeheartedly looked forwards to the rains, as she stepped through the barren and open lands, moving past Mount Yosei, ignoring the tired groans of the Morians following the two.

"Gah!" Olala yelled out, shaking her arm. "It already started pouring!"

"Pouring? It's just a few drops. Haha, you wait and see, Olala." Koyote pointed around, stuffing both hands into her pockets.

"I don't know why you're happy." Olala shook her head.

"You never see me go to town, do you?" she turned. "Mostly because I don't necessarily like too many people, and that generously kills the activity. Stabs it right in the gut," she explained, and Olala squinted her eyes, untrustworthily.

"But with rain?" Koyote continued. "There won't be any people in the streets. Restaurants will be open, however. Shopfronts as well, because they always expect a client. Even if a bucket full of muddy water was dropped onto their heads they'd still stand there. Ooh, they'll do anything for a couple of Pies just to trade it into nice-looking robes."

"Glad that we're not concerned with our attire."

"We look formal, Olala." Koyote fixed her own jacket. "That's what really matters. Superbread too."

"Superbread." Olala raised a fist, pretending to indulge in Koyote's happiness, while the other quickly turned, one gleaming eye meeting the Morians.

"Are we there yet?" Genni asked, both arms flailing next to her sides.

"Yeah," Koyote informed, and Genni shook her head, a little shocked.

Koyote took a step backwards, almost falling off a cliff and into an open, dark green valley. The four hesitantly moved forward, overlooking the open terrain.

The plain itself was... not really a plain. Rather, it resembled a dent or a reversed mountain. Instead of climbing up like all the hills which surrounded the basin, this one evenly bent down towards one point in the middle, which was a red flower flailing in the wind. Various bushes and small trees surrounded the herb, and it felt like overlooking a miniature model of a massive park.

Morio once was keen on such hobbies himself. When he was five, he forced Gloria to help him recreate the entirety of Mistwick with only a few small twigs found around the forest. Obviously, she shunned the idea, but Morio never gave up. Peering at the sight, he wondered where he could've possibly hidden his first steps towards creating a tiny town in his own hands.

If it was so tiny, he could've watched over home, even from here.

"The Suna Valley." Koyote took a step forward, almost sliding down the grass before stopping. Gazing up, she spotted the faraway sea stretching over the barren hills, with an opening to a small cave close by. She turned to the Morians again, signalling with her hand.

Morio was the first to move, standing further away from the others.

"It looks nice." Genni nodded, putting on a smile.

"I wouldn't trust her if I were you," Ingo uttered, quickly huffing.

"Have I ever broken your trust, Ingo?" Koyote tilted her head, and Ingo quickly looked away, pouting.

"It looks too nice for something bad to happen." Jyuzou fixed his glasses.

"Something bad? You hear that, Olala?" Koyote scratched the back of her head. "They think training is bad for them!"

Olala breathed out, silently agreeing with Jyuzou.

Morio blinked, glancing up. "What's gonna happen here?"

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