Ch. 30 | Origin

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Ranpa looked at his friend, who slowly nodded, beaming. "Back when the guards managed to rip through and into my house, I saw your glance near Bancho's body on the other side. The one that landed in my house was the other Paladian."

"Elton's." Atomu finished his sentence again, although still without saying a word.

"People don't get burials like this in Prope Portam," Sam spoke. "...and I don't think even the highest of ceremonies could honour his life." Sam gulped. "It's childish, I know, but-"

"No." Atomu stopped his words, putting a hand on their chin. "D-Downright genius. The body that laid on the Royal Square wasn't Bancho."

"Etlan," Chyuuichi muttered, very quietly. His eyes sparkled.

He recalled the times in the caves when Elton's simple words managed to turn all the skeletons against the three. A simple shout broke through the thick shield that was Chui and Yanma's never-ending argument. The two were quiet ever since, and someone like this deserved to get buried with honour in mind.

"Guess we're lucky that the mayor didn't want to see it," Ranpa uttered.

"There's no such thing as luck, Ranpa." Rowan shook his head. "Only something that was meant to happen,"

Atomu trod towards the body, staring at it for seconds. Even though it was the Wise that lay there, Atomu's thoughts travelled to Elton.

Stories passed through that love create places for those tales to harness and grow like flowers in Herbes. He smiled, gently, and then looked up at Ranpa, who breathed in. Elton's death was going to be honoured.

"It's your decision," Sam spoke up. "You found the body, and you decide what happens to it,"

"I-" Atomu breathed in. "I'm no leader," he uttered.

"Yes, ya are!" Chyuuichi snickered, punching him lightly in the back and Rowan raised both brows.

Atomu blinked twice. "What other choice do we have?" he glanced around, and Rowan's expression suggested that the words he picked were the right choice. "Then," he announced, breathing in. "We'll leave after the burial. They won't know it's him but... like Sam said." he pointed to Sam with his thumb. He stammered. "If we don't bury him ourselves, no one will."

"Adam, You know what Orawood means?" Ranpa took a few steps forward. "A season's worth of travels, no humans, harsh environments, neverending forests and whatever hiding in the shadows." he breathed out. "Only Paladian tales warn us of its dangers."

"I'm ready," Rowan uttered, standing up, and putting a hand on their hidden quiver.

"I'm ready too!" Chyuuichi raised his hand. "If my bestie Rowan's going then count me in as well!"

"Who?" the Tributal turned around.

Atomu breathed out. "I already decided." he glanced at Ranpa, who nodded, albeit with a heavy head.

"Long travels means big equipment," Sam said. "I used to be quite the traveller myself, although mostly through the town, I knew how to get my stuff ready for the day!"

"Woohoo! We don't have to do as much work!" Chyuuichi raised both hands.

Atomu, the older brother, habitually stuffed everything into his small bag, even when going out for breakfast in Magna. It seemed that what Sam took from Ranpa's shelves (much to his dismay) was similar in taste.

He smiled. "It's settled."


When it came to events in Prope Portam, most started or entirely took place on the Royal Square, and then everyone usually moved to the big bar for the afterparties. At the beginning of Yule, there was a big party with free food, all sweet specialities imported from Shimori, with a favourite being the snow sugar cubes. The mayor was the one who began the night, and then the Paladians indulged in pure enjoyment.

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