Ch. 86

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"My theory's correct, right?" Ingo ran forward. "Free time means we're training on our own."

"No, Ingo. You four know why I'm giving you this much leisure already. I've said it before and I'll say it again, experience shapes you, no matter what it is. Another map in Morio's hands, a new flower that Jyuzou stumbled upon, even the journals you keep writing in, Genni." she put her hands in her pockets. "Back then you refused to understand but now you silently get it, in the very end."

Jyuzou sighed out.

"Your training's-" Koyote said, before clearing her throat.

"Coming to an end." Jyuzou finished her sentence, and Koyote turned towards the Morian.

She didn't need to repeat herself, as she already did, countless times before, yet, the closer the date, the harder it became to choose if you were to go up the staircase or back down into Omer Narrows.

Galliath isn't the place it used to be, after all, and how much can you learn without outdoing the doer?

"Which means, sooner, than later, you'll be setting out back home, or... wherever the map takes you." she turned to Morio, who looked back at her, and then frowned at the sheet in his hands.

Koyote breathed out and then analyzed each of the confused stares of the Morians. Despite the rigour, despite the ever-present exhaustion, despite already knowing, they all seemed a little taken aback.

One glance passed to the other, and Koyote scratched her head, before turning on her heel. They didn't ask for more insight into her words or offer questions about anything. They simply looked at each other, and eventually, walked away, the same way she did.


The town, as per usual, seemed much emptier than on most days. The streets were mostly silent, despite the citizens wandering here and there, and any sign of storefronts, any stands with overpriced food or faux potions were nowhere to be found.

Passing the wreckage that wasn't already partially mended, the four kept as hush as most people were which trod by. They only exchanged glances, nodded to each other or whispered, with even the quietest of conversations catching the ear of Morio or Jyuzou.

They didn't particularly listen to anything interesting but rather found themselves searching for at least a remnant of the past they could call back to. The library was, somewhere along all those narrow alleys, but it was surely left empty after last Gorro's mishap. Genni clenched her fist whenever something new of the disaster showed up. Even after months, things only seemed to be getting worse, but the people inside the town were used to such conditions.

"You three are not going to say anything?" Ingo suddenly asked, stopping, and the others did as well, turning their heads towards the Morian.

Jyuzou looked at the ground, unsurely. Morio wasn't too focused, and only Genni revealed a small frown.

"What are we supposed to say?" Genni fixed her glasses with her wrists.

"That you're going to miss Galliath" Ingo huffed. "Despite how stupid it sounds." he scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"Stupid?" Genni asked.

"Because why would you, damn it?" Ingo shook his head. "Harabara doesn't have a crazy cult with their base in the caves. Harabara doesn't have a town inside something that resembles a crater." he looked up. "Despite Harans composing literally everyone here except for us four, it's a completely different place from that desert, and much wilder than I could've ever imagined it to be."

"Y-Yet, it already feels like home," Jyuzou added, and Morio turned to him, a little surprised.

Genni's eyes wandered in his direction as well. She recalled the thoughts and feelings she felt back during that disastrous day. Even though she wished not to ever come back there, everything Jyuzou and Genni said came from an honest, true heart.

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