Ch. 116 | Rose Ring

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Leopold sighed, leaving the open fruit on a small log near Ingo, before standing up and treading towards the lake. He looked at his reflection before one hand landed on the club he carried by his side.

He didn't necessarily recall the weapons flying out with the two when Ennyou struck, yet, Ingo's Guardian Demon somehow found itself thrashed right next to the Los-Los Hammer. His shield, though, was nowhere to be found.

Taking the grip out from beneath the belt, he analyzed its rough, cut-through exterior. One word found itself etched into the side, though. "Kanow." Leopold read, quietly.

His grip tightened, as a small droplet connected with the lake's water. Leopold quickly rubbed one eye, before turning around.

He swore he saw it. A quick shadow, moving from the top of the Rose Ring, towards the outer exteriors.

Leopold legged it, much to the calm surprise of Ingo.

He ground his teeth, pushing his legs against his hands and eventually managing to stand on both wobbly feet. Moving around was, quite obviously, a tremendous task, but Ingo eventually managed to land on the side of a few boulders, with conveniently placed rocks allowing him to crawl towards the outer edges of Rose Ring.

From the second he got up, his means weren't to escape, but to learn.

Leopold stood a few metres away from a Beastman, who stared at the ground, searching for the literal traces of footsteps the demon had taken, followed by the long line of rocks pushed to the side.

Ingo furrowed his brows, now both hands plastered on the boulder's top. Leopold almost effortlessly ran towards another rock, before stepping out at the side, with two smaller stones in one hand, with the other now carrying Ingo's club.

The Morian squinted his eyes, breathing out. Despite the demon bearing a hammer, earlier a shield, it was the very trustworthy bat he too, found himself using against all of the opponents.

The stones rubbed against each other, eventually sending off sparkles, and right as they appeared, the Beastman turned its head, leaping.

The demon lunged the sparks forward and they bounced off its eyes. The creature bellowed, taking a cautious step back, and that's when Leopold ran forward.

One second later, the bat connected to its head, pushing it to the ground with a slide. Leopold wasn't done, however. He walked up, crouched, and bashed at its head once more. White eyes met its dizzy, dead expression, before another merciless shot was landed, blood spilling all over their black clothing.

Ingo closed his eyes with each hit, eventually backing down. He couldn't help but recall his own father's words.

"Don't act like the thing you don't want to be."

Of course, a demon such as this wouldn't know that. Leopold's curious gaze turned back to the edges, as he spotted Ingo zipping down the side.

He stared, before sliding the bat back into a makeshift sheath near his belt. "What trouble." he brushed the blood off, before taking a few decisive steps, eventually jumping atop the boulders, and meeting Ingo from above.

Food was untouched, and both hands tried to rip the chains apart. Now, though, the Morian only seemed more frustrated.

A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead, eventually meeting blood.


The desert's landscape, the sands, valleys, grottos and whatnot kept repeating themselves. It was, as if, without Leopold's help, Isak was completely helpless in choosing the right direction.

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