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"Deal with Myouka, get all the information you can. I'll be heading to the headquarters, also inform Dad about Myouka" stated Jeongguk through his phone as he exited the car.

"Alright" agreed Namjoon from the other line making Jeongguk hang up immediately.

"Now then, shall we start with the documentation first?" questioned he turning towards his assistant who shook his head to stop his own chain of thoughts.

"One person will be missing from the conference, his secretary will be there but the clan's projec-......."


Taehyung paced around his room in anxiousness, his fingers impatiently brushing through his bangs. Hearing a loud thud from outside and the sound of laughter, he rushed outside.

His felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach seeing Seokjin pointing his gun towards Jeongguk's forehead. 

He was all too familiar with this situation. The agonising feeling tightened his heart with suffocation when he heard Jeongguk laughing........

Mihyun did not react this way, he was crying when that happened, he was crying for Taehyung and Taehyung was crying for him........

Yet the cruel, cruel man, Kim Seokjin, didn't take any pity.....

"Do it, I dare you to" smiled the raven haired, eyes ever so mischievous. 

His voice pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts.

"ARE YOU MAD??!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" shouted the younger, feeling his face burn up with anger.

"What makes you think; I won't do it?" questioned Seokjin just as calmly.

"HYUNG!!!" screamed Taehyung, trying to push his hand away just for his hair to be grabbed before he was pushed to the side brutally.

Before he had the chance to stand again, the man had pulled the trigger, shooting, shattering the silence of the relatively quiet room. Taehyung froze letting his eyes wander towards the body lying on the floor.

A silent scream escaped his parted lips as tears escaped his eyes. The grey haired ran towards the body, almost losing his balance, he sat down shaking the lifeless body, the man's forehead bleeding endlessly, damping the raven strands of hair.

"JEONGGUK!!! JEONGGUK!!!" the younger screamed, crying trying to wake the man.






Taehyung sat up on his bed panting, his head spun as he stood on his feet and ran outside to find the older. He slammed the door of the older's room open just to find it empty, panicking he rushed out trying to find him in the other rooms..

Upon not finding him anywhere, he rushed downstairs, almost falling over as his eyes filled themselves with tears involuntarily blurring his vision, heart burning and lungs refusing to take in any oxygen.

He slammed the door of his study open just to find the man sitting behind his desk with files scattered all over the table, along with his electronics. Taehyung let his tears freely run down his cheeks seeing the man in front of him yet he walked towards the calm man with hasty steps and grabbed him by his collar.......

Jeongguk was surprised to see Taehyung in front of him at 3am in his study, even more surprised to see him crying and grabbing him by his collar when he stood up to question him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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