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A brunette sat on his living room's couch, a glass held between his long, slender fingers. He sipped his juice, scrolling through his phone.

"Taehyung" the brunette looked up, his almond, innocent eyes meeting with an older man's who seemed to be in his late 30s.

Taehyung wanted to believe this man was nice, he had every reason to believe if only one concentrated on the man's appearance but the things this man has done throughout his life, some of which Taehyung witnessed, made him believe otherwise.

"Jin hyung! Dad called and I don't know where he is now" spoke Taehyung finally, letting his lips stretch in an awkward smile.

"Well, let's go to his office" Seokjin suggested, taking Taehyung's wrist in his own hand making the latter flinch and pull back his wrist.

Seokjin chuckled "He won't scold you Taehyung, you are with me" the man spoke, knowing what the brunette was thinking. It was easy to guess since the kid basically grew up under Seokjin's care.


"Taehyung, you are here" Haesung, Taehyung's father spoke, seeming pleased.

"yes...dad" the brunette was fidgeting in his position, looking around the office for anything new. Last he was called in his father's office was on his graduation day, which was a year ago.

"Taehyung, I have a very important matter to discuss with you and it's going to take a while" getting the signal from his father, he sat on the chair next to Seokjin's, facing his father's office chair.

"Dear son, you have done everything what was expected of you and I couldn't be more proud of you" Haesung initiated the conversation and Seokjin scoffed at his words but kept quiet.

Taehyung's eyes widened and lips parted hearing his father's words. Did this man just say he was proud of Taehyung? The man who never once looked his way much less praised him.

"I trust you as you are  my son and I am sure you will not let me down. I have not been good to you these past yea-"

"You mean my whole life" Taehyung cut off his father.

"Yes, but I want to mend things between us and that can only happen if you listen to me this once" Haesung pleaded and it utterly surprised Taehyung as he stared at the man, was this really his father?

He turned towards Seokjin but the latter seemed calmed and not surprised at all, as if he knew already where this was going. Taehyung shouldn't be surprised since Seokjin was his father's right hand man. 

"What do you want from me?" Taehyung sighed, knowing there was no escape.

"For you to marry" Haesung paused to let his words sink in Taehyung's brain before continuing.

"Just do me this favour and everything will be fine between us, listen to me" 

Taehyung looked up at his father with nothing but sadness in his eyes, his brain was a mess. Where did the whole marriage thing come between their bond? If his father really wanted to mend things he would have done that without any conditions.

He shook his head "I refuse. This is messed up, I am already keeping my mouth shut about your second business and face, that should be enough for you" he stood up to leave but his father's stern voice stopped him on his tracks.

"Kim Taehyung, I have always taken my decisions wisely. If you don't marry this person then you can forget about your father for the rest of your life"

"You are saying that as though you took any part in my life at all!" Taehyung retorted, trying to calm himself.

"Ok, why don't we calm down a little" Seokjin intervened between the two, pulling Taehyung back on his seat.

"Taehyung, your father is in a miserable situation right now and getting you married is his only way out"

"What are you hiding?" asked Taehyung suspiciously, there was definitely more to their story and Taehyung was not a child to not catch on to that.

Seokjin and Haesung looked at each other, as if having a conversation through their eyes.

"Your father might get assassinated soon, he'll die but it doesn't end there. All the crap will come out that he has done throughout the years, we need someone to cover up..." Seokjin trailed off, trying to give Taehyung an overlook of the whole thing.

"Taehyung, I have not been the best father but I do love you, you're your mothers last memory. I will die but people will come after you, it doesn't matter to them if you were/ are involved in my business"

Taehyung sat on his seat frozen, it was too much to take in. His father spoke as though he had his own death planned out. He did not know how to feel about the fact that his father might get killed soon, what was he even suppose to feel?

"You guys are still hiding stuff" spoke Taehyung finally, after a minute of silence.

"Right, but it's better for you to not know. You do not want to know Taehyung" Haesung after a decade patted his son's head gently.

The touch felt foreign to both father and son....

"You can get a divorce later on, of course. You don't have to be stuck with him forever"

Taehyung's head shot up at those words, eyes widened.

"Him? Gay marriages are illegal!" 

"That's for normal citizens" Seokjin laughed out.

"W-what?"  Taehyung looked at him with a frown present on his face.

"Taehyung just decide if you want to marry or not" Haesung spoke, impatience lacing his words.

"I need time" Taehyung looked down at his lap as he spoke.

"You don't have that Kid. Tomorrow the ceremony is suppose to be held if it even takes place" Seokjin spoke.

Taehyung sighed frustrated with the situation. He looked up at his father..."do you promise to mend things between us..?" he asked hopefully. As disturbing as it was Taehyung still craved for some of his father's love, he has craved for it his whole life, so he wanted to give him a chance.

Besides he could always divorce whom he was marrying if things didn't work out, right?

"I promise" Haesung uttered, his voice holding nothing but sincerity.

"Then..... I'll do it "

Haesung smiled widely and it was the first time Taehyung was seeing his father smile off cameras. His father embraced him and Taehyung felt an overwhelming pain in his chest at the little action. 

Tears left his eyes as he hugged his father back. He somehow still hoped that his father did not die, he wanted everything to be okay and for his father to live happily with him and if this marriage was the only way, he was ready to do that.

He did hope though that he made the right decision deep down.


I know some of you hate me for making y'll wait so much. I wanted to start this after ending "Mr.Dior" but here we are.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments. I could really use some feedback!! Thank you so much!!💜

Have a wonderful day ahead, dear ones💜


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