Not tomorrow yet

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*Months ago*

Keith sat by the campfire sharpening a wooden stake, he supported it with his right arm while he shaved away with his prosthetic. It was a pain, it always bothered him and if he could use his semblance to create and arm, while not having his aura drain, he would take the chance in a heartbeat. The arm was better than nothing that's for sure, he had to thank Neo for getting it for him, she found it off a dead white fang solider that was in the tunnels under mountain glenn's city, Keith assumed that it was one if the casualties from when the breach happened. Speaking of the girl, what did he think of her? It wasn't exactly clear to Keith on what his thoughts were but he was "okay" with her being around, it stopped him from slipping deeper into the guilt he felt. She was helpful, he could see why Torchwick relied on her pretty heavily. He was glad she choose to stray from the path she was on, but even then stuff like that always lingers and she wondered if she would go back to that life if things were to go south. He didn't want to think about things going even worse than they already were. He kept hearing the echoes of the screams from the fall of beacon and the loses they suffered. He kept thinking about Keith's words to Cinder.

Keith: Not today, Not tomorrow but I'm going to kill you...

Keith wanted to kill cinder and he knew his powers could help but he had very little guidance since Ozpin was gone and he had completely shut out Onyx from his head. He knew he needed time but he was going impatient, time was slipping and he knew it.

It was not tomorrow yet...

He threw the stake into the fire in frustration and he got up walking over to the broken down warehouse that had become his home doing his time out in the wild, Neo managed to acquire plenty of commodities that made the place somewhat like home, but it was always a bit far off due to the fact that the area was filled with Grimm but not many since most were heading for vale to beat on the dead horse that was beacon tower. He did his best to clear them out but they would always keep coming. He looked over at the small sleeping area and saw neo fast asleep seemingly hugging Roman's bowler hat, the sight was sad almost had him feel bad for the way the criminal went out...almost. He walked over to his makeshift bed and sat on the edge, he took off his prosthetic and eyepatch. He layed down and starred up at a blue tarp that they used to cover the hole in the ceiling, he managed to get some much needed sleep and he began to drift off. In his sleep he found himself in a nightmare, something he had gotten used to during his time away. He would see beacon falling over and over again, watching everything he ever loved die repeatedly, he would also flashes of onyx's life specifically Ruby's mother Summer Rose. He would see more and more on how ruby was like her mother which would make him realize why onyx was so instant in keith keeping her safe. But Keith knew he couldn't, if he couldn't protect his home, how could he protect the girl he loves. Keith felt so weak even with his abilities and the guidance of his predecessor but somehow he would pull through.

*3 days later*

Keith and Neo were hunting an Ursa that nearly destroyed their camp, it was presumably an Ursa major from the sizes of the damages. They navigated through the ruins while listening closely to any growls or roars that could be heard, after an hour of walking they finally heard signs of the ursa, which roaring in the distance. They go around the corner and see the Ursa wandering up ahead. Keith grabs his sword before turning to Neo who had taken out her parasol.

Keith: You know the drill, just follow my lead.

Neo nods before jumping on top of a building, running across rooftops over to the building that was above the Ursa, she gave Keith a thumbs up and he began to slowly approach the Ursa from behind. The Ursa sniffed around before turning back and seeing Keith charging at him, he jumps up and stabs the Ursa in its boney front face armor, the Ursa growls and swings its head up sending Keith flying into the air, Neo jumps down and grabs Keith's sword from the Grimm's head before jumping off of it onto the building across the street. Keith lands on the Ursa, stabbing his knife prosthetic into it's back repeatedly. It growls in pain and tries to throw him off but to no avail, Keith uses his semblance and creates plasma ropes to tie down the beast to give neo the opening to stab the beast in the head.

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