Character bio 6: Cy Echoes

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Name: Cy Echoes (psycho, I didn't realize the irony in the name until I read it out loud)
Age 17
Personality: is often very bipolar and hyper, he's one to choose destruction over Common sense

Semblance: adrenaline rage
Once it's activated It can't be stopped until the user is knocked out or until aura is depleted. It enhances all senses and it allows users to take all sorts of damage


Battle outfit:

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Battle outfit:

Battle outfit:

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Weapon: Death and anarchy

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Weapon: Death and anarchy

Origin: after his family died in a house fire in vale

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Origin: after his family died in a house fire in vale. Cy was forced to live in the streets and resort to crime to survive. That's when he met his partner in crime Dj. The two pulled small time heists and such but the two best friends decided to put their past behind them and become huntsmen for the great or good

Likes: hip hop, destruction, fire, weapons, explosives, explosions, his team, team RWBY, team jnpr, team arcc, team task.

Dislikes: police, Grimm, authorities, sweet stuff

Romantic interest: Nora Valkyrie

Romantic interest: Nora Valkyrie

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