Forever Fall

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A/n: finally got on the grind and motivation is coming back so except a few chapters during this weekend and if your reading far past the days I'm writing this then well know I tried I guess?

Everyone in team jnpr sat in their dorm rooms. Pyrrha sat by the window, Ren cleaned his weapon and Nora simply jumps on the bed questioning why their leader is coming so late

Nora: how come jaune comes home so late?

Ren: he's become rather scarce ever since he's been hanging out with cardin.

Nora: that's weird, doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow. We need our rest.

Nora jumps on the bed once more before flopping down on it. Pyrrha who has been hurt by Jaune hides her concern behind her irritation towards him.

Pyrrha: I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing.

Nora: hmm, I guess so.

Jaune was listening in as he was about to enter but hesitated and closed the door.

Ruby: hey jaune, long time no see

Ruby said as he turned around to see her in her nightwear and Keith next to her wearing his casual clothes.

Keith: lock yourself out again, I thought you'd learn by now.

Jaune: uh no, got it

He says showing them his key

Ruby: so where have you been lately

Jaune: I uh...

Jaune takes a deep breath.

Jaune: I messed up... I did something I shouldn't have and now cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me, I'm starting to think getting into this school was a bad idea. I'm a failure

Jaune slumps down on the door sitting with back against the wall. Ruby and Keith share a look of disagreement.

Ruby: nope

Jaune: Nope?

Keith: Nope, you're a leader now jaune, losing your way sets back everyone on the team.

Jaune: what if I'm a failure at being a leader

Ruby: Nope

Jaune: you know you two are not the easiest people to talk to about this stuff.

Keith: trust me, I've seen far worse motivation speakers.

Ruby giggles and she takes a seat next to jaune.

Ruby: look maybe you were a failure when you were a kid. You might've been a failure the first day we met. But you can't be one now. You know why.

Jaune: uhh because?

Ruby: because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now jaune. All three of us do, and if we fail we'll just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first and ourselves second. Your team deserves a great leader jaune and I think that can be you. Have a nice night Jaune.

Ruby looks at Keith and gives him a small smile before he gives her a pat on the shoulder before he walks down the hall. Ruby gets into her dorm and jaune gets up and goes to open his but before he can open the door he notices Keith still looking at him.

Keith: you know lying can get you into a rabbit hole of shit but sometimes a misadventure is something that can change you for the better. Good night.

Jaune nodded as Keith walked away. Jaune goes to open the door but his scroll beeps. He opens it revealing a message from cardin.

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