Field Trip

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A/n: Sorry for no updates, I was working on my Twd story I have because I hadn't updated it in a while, then I lost motivation because The episode I'm currently working on is a bit boring but I'll finish it and pick that one back up because it's already half way done. Any I hope you enjoy

The next day Ozpin, Glynda, Keith and General ironwood were in Ozpin's office discussing the Infiltration that took place the night before. Ozpin was stressed due to ironwood's paranoia and his own worries. Glynda was acting as Damage control trying to help ironwood calm down from his twitchy outbursts and Keith stood their paying attention as he monitors the situation while lost in the thoughts and conversations of Onyx inside his head.

Ironwood: They were here, Ozpin they were HERE!

Ironwood slams his fist on Ozpin's desk as leans back on his chair putting his hands to his forehead trying in frustration.

Glynda: We are very much aware of that thank you James.

Ironwood: Fantastic, your aware. Now are we going to do something or should we stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us.

Ironwood says clearing matching Glynda's sass mixing in his own concerns on the matter before ironwood could say anything, the elevator beeps signalling the arrival of Ruby, we was called to speak about the situation. Ozpin stands up from his chair looking at the elevator door

Ozpin: Come in

Ruby walks out the elevator and steps into his office as Everyone looks at her.

Ruby: sorry I'm late, someone accidentally pressed all the buttons on the way up here.

Ruby waves her hand sheepishly

Ruby: it wasn't me

Keith gives her a warm smile and Ozpin nods his head as he looks at ruby.

Ozpin: thank you for coming ruby, how are you feeling?

Ruby: Okay i guess, I would feel better if my bad guy catching record wasn't O-for-Three

Ozpin and the adults all have blank expressions and Keith eyes travel back and forth from the three to ruby during the awkward silence. Ruby runs the back of her head

Ruby: oooookay, that's the tone we're going for got it.

Ironwood looks at Keith and Ruby.

Ironwood: Keith, Ruby I feel like it's appropriate to let you that what you did last night is exactly what being a huntsman and huntress is all about. You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the best you could.

Keith and Ruby both nod

Ruby: Thank you sir

Ozpin: Now, Keith and The general have informed us of the events that...transpired last night but now that you've rested, we wanted to know if you had anything else to add?

Glynda: was anyone else with them? Did any of them look familiar to you at all?

Keith flinched a bit at the second question but no one noticed. Ruby seemed overwhelmed and she looked at Keith for assistance

Keith: There's nothing that ruby knows that I haven't told you.

Ozpin: I understand, but I'd like to hear it from ruby

Keith nods

Keith: i understand sir.

Keith looks at her and shakes his head. Ruby takes a deep breath as she looks at all the adults with their eyes on her.

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