A brand new beginning(volume 1)

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High above the city of vale. On a shuttle carrying a new generation of huntsmen and huntresses were two siblings and it wasn't yang and ruby even if they are present. Six and Merle commando siblings born and raised in vale.

Six: I'm excited you know. This place is gonna be way better than signal.

Merle: I'm sure it will be.

Merle often referred to by his last name kept his posture. That of a military soldier. He examined the bullhead and slacked a bit.

Merle: don't think it's gonna be easy

Six: I know... I know you don't have to tell me twice. I can't believe it you know ever since we were kids we've wanted to come here and here we are.

Merle: it's whatever

Six: jeez you sure got dad's enthusiasm.

Merle rolls his eyes. Right next to merle was another teenager a bit shorter. Trent Ashmoon. The male who is obviously sick from the flight approaches them.

Trent: hey umm. How long do you think this flight is gonna take.

Merle: beats me.

Trent groans and walks off.

Six: looks like there are a lot of interesting people here.

Merle nods. We shift focus to a pair of boys that are enjoying the ride. Dj (Dwight Jarvis) and his best friend Cy echoes stood at the window.

Dj: this is gonna be fucking awesome.

Cy: I'm only here to kick some Grimm's ass.

Dj: come-on the people here are way interesting then those overgrown boogie monsters.

Cy: eh.... People are alright. Don't get me wrong some guys are pretty cool like that monkey kid from Mistral. Wasn't his name like star or something

Dj: sun but close enough

Someone bumps into dj.

???: Sorry about that

Dj: no problem it is kinda of bumpy. First time flyer?

???: Not exactly

Dj: Dwight Jarvis but most people like this asshole call me dj

???: Cri yumiko

Dj: yumiko? Like that crime organization

Cri: I'm not exactly proud of my heritage.

???: But he sure loves using it to his advantage

Cri: shut up aqua

Aqua: no I don't think I will

Cy: you guys seem cool.

Cri: I like to believe I am.

Aqua: he is far from it

Cri: shut up

The four share a quick laugh. Once more the focus shifts to another pair of teens. Adam westlin and Richard granite. Two strangers stood next to each other.

Adam: looking at all the people here I can tell this might be an interesting few years.

Richard: I agree

Adam: oh.. am I was just thinking out loud didn't think anyone could here me

Adam rubs the nape of his neck and he dawns a nervous expression.

Richard: it's alright. I'm Rick btw

(I wonder who he's inspired by)

Adam: Adam

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