Welcome to Beacon

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A/n: excuse me for lazy writing, I tend to write these chapters around midnight, so I'm often Falling asleep halfway.

Giant airships arrive on beacon's landing bay. Ozpin, Glynda and Keith watch from the inside of ozpin's office high above the clouds.

Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Glynda seem irritated at the presence of the headmaster/general being on campus. Ozpin seems more calm towards his fellow colleague.

Ozpin: Well running an academy and a military makes him a very busy man, but yes those are a bit of an eye sore.

Ozpin gets an alarm from his holographic screen on his desk signalling the arrival of someone at the door that being ironwood.

Ozpin: come in

Ironwood walks to the door as Ozpin walks towards him in his formal posture. Ironwood seems more friendly towards his old friend and simply plays it off as a simple friendly encounter.

Ironwood: Ozpin

Ozpin: General.

Ironwood sees this and tries to get his friend to lay off a little bit.

Ironwood: Please drop the formalities.

Ironwood shakes ozpin's hand with both of his own. Glynda and Keith walk towards the middle of the room next to Ozpin.

Ironwood: Keith, I've see you've grown quite a bit since I last saw you.

Ironwood chuckles and Keith shakes his hand while he simply gives the general a nod. Ironwood turns his Glynda.

Ironwood: Glynda, it has certainly been long since we last met.

Glynda: oh James

She says sarcastically presented to be charmed. She leans to ozpin.

Glynda: I'll be outside.

Glynda walks out of the office. Ironwood turns back to ozpin.

Ironwood: Well she hasn't changed a bit.

Ozpin nods and turns around walking towards his desk where a teapot with coffee is set with three mugs. Ozpin pours coffee into one of them as he speaks.

Ozpin: So what in the world has brought you all the way from atlas. Headmasters don't typically travel with their students for the Vytal festival.

Ozpin turns around and hand Keith a cup of coffee then goes to give ironwood one. Ironwood grabs the coffee and pulls out a canteen of something(I honestly don't know, it might be important to the lore like if ironwood didn't do that then beacon wouldn't have fallen or something like that)

Ironwood: well you know how much I love vale this time of year, besides with you hosting I thought this would've been a nice opportunity to catch up.

Ozpin walks with his coffee pot and mug and walks around the table. Keith watches his body language attentively with it telling him that this conversation might go far deeper than just a friendly chat.

Ozpin: I always appreciate some quality time between friends, however the small fleet outside, has me some what concerned

Ozpin sits down and looks up at his friend awaiting a response and/or an explanation.

Ironwood: Well,concern is what brought them here.

Ozpin: I understand travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult.

Ironwood looks at his friend and simply lays off the very subtle hint that they must address more serious manners that are at hand.

Ironwood: Oz, we both know why I really brought those men.

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