Heroes and Monsters

22 1 0

(We are getting close to the end and to be honest i thought i was going to give up on this story but honestly i guess i got tired of having a concept sitting in my head, so i actually decided to do it and here we are, and honestly i don't think I'm going to stop until something drastic in my life changes.)

Ruby stands on top of Atlas blue 4 watching as the Wyvern flies by her followed by a fleet of various other flying Grimm. She grips crescent rose as she prepares to swing at some stragglers that dived down to catch her. she cuts through them with ease and takes a moment to catch her breath before hearing the sound of a camera click. She turns to her side and sees Strand, his lieutenant and neo holding her scroll, smirking at her before sending the picture to roman who doesn't seem pleased with ruby's presence, he grumbles as he looks at her picture.

Roman: You cannot be serious

he grabs his cane and walks off to deal with her clearly annoyed but still sane enough to not let strand defeat roman's pest problem.

*Beacon's dining hall*

Blake was still in shock when she saw Taurus, she backs up a bit in fear with Adam standing strong behind her trying his best not to lash out.

Taurus: Running away again? Is that what you've become my love? A coward running off with a human?

Adam gets significantly more angry but still not the point of breaking with his worry being Blake and how she was taking this, which was clearly not well.

Blake: Why are you doing this?

Taurus: You and i were going to change the world remember! We were destined to light the fires of revolution! Consider this the spark!

Adam lift his sword over a fallen student who was squirming to get away, Blake tries to stop him but before she could, Adam used his semblance to teleport behind Taurus and kick him right into a table which angered him.

Taurus: I know just who you are! A weak little human that tries to be tough and fight against our cause! You try to defend faunus to get on them in your stupid agenda to put them down!

Adam: I am not weak, I do not use people! The only thing that i am, is someone protecting his friends...and his love.

Taurus looks back and forth between Blake and Adam before growling and grabbing his sword before charging at Adam who blocks it with his prosthetic leaving him vulnerable to an attack, Taurus kicks him in the leg and pushes him back a few feet into some rumble. Taurus goes to shoot Adam but gets struck from behind but he keep his footing and doesn't flinch, he turns around and sees blake, she dashes at him ready to strike but he grabs her arm and swing over him and tosses her over to the same pile of rumble where she lands next to Adam.

Taurus: Now, you suffer for you betrayal...my love

*Beacon ampitheather*

Weiss and Alaska were still in shock at seeing Jeremiah which only made him even more happy for what was to happen next. He seemed to circle around them watching as they followed him with their mouth still agape.

Jeremiah: I waited a long time for this...you wouldn't believe how much trouble it was to get here but yet HERE WE ARE!

Weiss: We watched you fall, there's no way that you could've survived it let alone the cold weather with an injury like that!

Jeremiah: Yeah, i thought i was dead too...It's a long story and to be honest I'd like to think it ends here!

Jeremiah takes out his sword and points it at Alaska and Weiss which causes them raise their guard.

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