The Big City and Big Dreams

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*Months ago in Atlas*

Weiss and Alaska had been picked up by a Barnes Milita ship after arriving in vale after their battle, the journey had been stressful and filled with uncertainty after every that had happened, once arriving they were greeted by more soilders from the milita and their fathers.

Jacques: Weiss, I am glad your alright after the disaster in vale

Jacques Schnee the CEO of the dust company and Weiss's father, she had known her father long enough to know that he was clearly playing an act, there next to him stood Nigel Alaska, the CEO for the Barnes military distribution company and the their militia's general. He spoke no word towards Alaska but his face told the boy everything he needed to know, the silence had been awkward as Weiss reluctantly walks over to her father's side but the silence was broken by yelling a blue blur running through the Milita Soilders. Alaska turned around and saw his teammate Trent punching a soldier in the face before he got tackle by three others.

Trent: Hey let me go!

Soldier: Your on a private property!

Trent: I didn't fucking know that!

The soldier picks up and pins his hand behind his back and holds him in front of the military leader.

Soilder: He snuck onto the ship from Vale, I don't know what this little rat was trying to do but we're stopping it right now, what should we do with him sir?

Alaska stands up for his teammate and walks over in front of the soldier.

Alaska: He's with me

Soldier: Sir how can you possibly know this rat?

Alaska: He's my teammate

The soldier immediately lets him go and Trent falls to the ground before getting up and punching the soldier in the face, the soldier tries to punch him in the face but before her could do so Nigel calls out.

Nigel: Enough! From all of you!

Nigel turns to look at his son

Nigel: Is he your teammate or are you trying to cover up for him?

Alaska: His name is Trent Ashmoon father, and I am not lying to you.

Nigel believes his son and called the soldiers off and allowed Trent to come over next to Alaska, the boy in blue sticks his tongue out at the soldiers causing them to grumble as they walk off.

* 2 Days later*

To make matters easier Trent had been hired by the militia and was practically working side by side with Alaska all though it wasn't exactly work, more so training with more privileges due his huntsmen training, he hadn't been let into Atlas and was simply living in one of the many bases that were stationed around the outskirts of atlas and mantle. He has found some simple downtime but due to his outburst when they first met him, he was heavily monitored but he quickly slipped past his guards and found his way over to Alaska.

Trent: We need to talk

Alaska: About what?

Trent: We can't talk here, is there like an office or what?

Alaska: Just down the hallway to your left

Trent nods and walks over to the room where Alaska had directed him over, he enters the room and finds an empty office and he takes a seat at the desk waiting for Alaska, he enters shortly after.

Alaska: What did you need?

Trent: What are you doing? You seem so calm about all of this? I know you tend to hide your emotions or whatever because that's some sort of talent that rich have or whatever, but after what happened to beacon, after what happened to Keith! Do you care about anything besides yourself?

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