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On the landing bay of beacon academy Team Jnpr were heading to the shuttle that will take them to the village for their mission, as their walking sirens are heard coming from the city and Jaune's scroll rings, he takes it out of his pocket and sees it's a call from Adam. Jaune is quick to answer only here screaming and growls of Grimm for a few seconds before Adam speaks.

Adam: Jaune, there's been a breach down here in Vale, we need all hands on deck if you guys haven't left yet, come down here and give us a hand, Fuck!

A crash is heard and the call cuts, Jaune looks over at his teammates with a worried expression painted on his face as he looks back at vale in the distance.

Jaune: Change of plans, we've got to get to Vale

Jaune runs over towards their shuttle as his team shortly follows.

Jaune: Take us to the city

Jaune says to the pilot. Nora, Ren and Pyrrha start loading their weapons as the ship takes off towards vale. Not too far away Cinder, Emerald, Jeremiah and Mercury are looking at Smoke erupting from the vale skyline listening to the wailing alarming echo throughout the sky. Emerald looks at Cinder a bit confused.

Emerald: You don't think?

Jeremiah: Sure looks like it

Emerald looks at Jeremiah and seems more confused

Emerald: but it's still days away

Mercury looks at Cinder

Mercury: So, What do we do?

Cinder looks at each of her students trying to think of reasons why the plan could've gone wrong, she couldn't help to feel irritated that things weren't exactly going her way. Meanwhile in Vale, team rwby and team task are surrounded by grimm in the town square, They ready their weapons and watch as the grimm charge at them. Ruby stabs crescent rose into the ground and uses it to spin her around kicking the grimm as she circles, she uses the momentum to pull out crescent rose and jump into the air towards keith, Keith creates a shield above him allowing ruby to bounce off and loads Crescent rose with gravity dust as she lands into a group of grimm launching them all back. Keith watches as his girlfriend attacks the grimm and he turns around to see several of them charging at him, Keith charges his semblance and slices a sword beam cutting all the grimm in half. Yang jumps over keith and uses her gauntlets to shoot herself into the air and kill the grimm with an aerial attack behind her nevermore grimm fly towards her killing her momentum causing her to fall down, She closes her eye and braces for impact but instead she feels something stop her, she opens eyes and sees coda holding her as he uses his gauntlets to swing himself on the rooftop of a nearby building.

Coda: Miss me?

Yang: your a fucking dumbass

Coda: Nothing, I haven't been called by you...or well anyone for that matter. Anyway Team ARCC is here to help!

A grimm tries to slash Blake from behind but Adam emerges from Blake's shadow slicing the grimm with Vilebolt. Adam and Blake stand back to back ready to attack the grimm heading for them.

Blake: I'm glad you're here

Adam: Your knight in shining armor just like your books right?

Blake blushes as she slices a grimm with her weapon, turning her head slightly to glare at adam.

Blake: That was uncalled for.

Adam chuckles as he continues fending off the grimm, one of the grimm manages to overpower him and tackles him to the ground a few feet away. Blake tries to help Adam but another grimm attacks her. Rick uses his semblance to quickly shoot the grimm into pieces allowing for Adam to get up and kill the grimm attacking Blake. Rick reloads his revolver and heads towards Adam and Blake but he's blocked by an ursa. He transforms grimes' promise into its dagger form and slides under it, cutting it open from below. He regroups with Blake and Adam.

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