The Next Step

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A/n: Welcome to Volume 4 or how I like to call it, the turning point between canon and my story, as I mentioned before this volume will be a tiny bit different than it's canon counterparts so you notice that some parts change, anyway without further ado it's Jeoe your favorite earth exister coming at you with RWBY: We are stronger together volume 4

A dark puddle of black goo sits in the middle of a wasteland, the puddle begins to shake and out of to emerges a hand of a beowolf, it comes out as a mass of the black goo but slowly takes the ship of the disgusting creature, behind it many more emerge from a series of more puddles that surround it, from a long distance away was Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black watching the Grimm emerge from a dark castle's throne room, Emerald seemed horrified while Mercury simply starred, they here a snap and they walk over to a long table where many other people sat, they stood next to their boss cinder fall's side and remained silent. Cinder had changed quite a bit, she had shorter hair but the longer parts covered her eye which was injured after what ruby did to it during the battle of beacon. One of the people sitting at the table was a man with a moustache named Arthur Watts, an Ex-atlas scientist who was never truly acknowledged.

Watts: Yes, Yes, please keep your posse in check

Mercury balls his fist and wants to charge at the scientist but Emerald tries to stop him with Cinder also calling them off.

Watts: You hear that? Silence! I've half the mind to thank the little girl that bested you.

An unstable looking Scorpion faunus named Tyrian sat at the end of the table faced cinder with his crazed eyes.

Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down, find her and well...she took your eye didn't she?

Tyrian laughs maniacally before calming down. Cinder tries to speak out loud and opens her mouth to do so but only a rough raspy gasping sound exits her mouth. She calls over Emerald and whispers lowly in ear, before the sound of a door opening is heard with all present looking at the end of the room. The door opens and there emerges the queen of Grimm herself....


She floated across the floor with a dark mass below her. Her skin white with red veins that could be seen around her, her eyes black with red misty pupils and hair that seemed tied into tendrils that stuck out from her head. Everyone got up from their seats with their eyes following her as she walked over to the end of the table, she remained silent all the way through. once at the end, she looked over at Watts and began to speak.

Salem: Watts? Do you find such malignance necessary?

She signals for everyone to sit down and they do so as their queen commands.

Watts: I apologize, Ma'am, I'm not particularly fond of failure.

Salem goes to sit down on her chair at the end of the table and continues to look at Watts.

Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our fall maiden, she destroyed beacon tower and injured the guardian and most importantly killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious to what failures are you referring?

Watts seemed more nervous after being called out and simply speaks up.

Watts: Well, the invincible girl and the girl with the silver eyes...

A bigger man named hazel that was on the other end of the table speaks up with a deep raspy voice.

Hazel: The invincible girl is simply a good fighter, we can take her on, as for the girl with the silver eyes, we've dealt with her kind before but what bugs me is that a novice was able to best one of us?

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