No Brakes

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Roman requests for his men to hold ruby still, he walks up to her and kicks her in the stomach causing her to fall down. Roman laughs before smirking smugly.

Roman: wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, he simply moves to the side and trips her with his cane. He laughs again wiping a tear from his eye.

Roman: oh man, you know Perry, I really did n I'meed this but seriously how'd you find this place red?

Ruby growls before using her semblance to run away. Roman goes to shoot ruby but instead he flips his cane and shoots out a grappling hook that catches ruby and drags her back.

Roman: I see you have some tricks up your sleeve, but let me make it clear. We're not done here yet

A crash is heard and Roman looks at the direction of the noises.

Roman: what the- perry if you and the boys can take care of that, I'm kinda in the middle of something.

Another crash is heard and an explosion erupts as white fang soldiers and arrowhead soldiers begin to scatter.


Roman looks out into the distance and sees Team Task and the rest of team Rwby making there way through the underground city, taking out any enemy soldiers that fight back. Roman growls in frustration. Ruby jumps on his shoulder and runs off.

Roman: Somebody kill her!!

Roman shoots his cane as the white fang soldiers shoot at Ruby, Roman hears several screams and looks behind him and sees all the White fang soldiers cut in half.

Roman: What the hell!?

Roman gets kicked in the face and he flys a few feet and lays on the ground before being pinned down by an angry looking Keith.

Roman: He..hey we can work this out, I wasn't gonna actually kill her, it's all a big misunderstanding

Roman laughs nervously but Keith keeps glaring at him before he lifts up his blade ready to stab Roman in the head. Before he can go for the kill, he gets kicked out of the way by Allen Strand.

Strand: Oh Look it's you, What a joyous occasion, what brings you around these parts?

Keith gets up glaring at Strand as he grabs his sword and prepares to fight.

Strand helps up Roman and pats his back.

Strand: deal with the others I'll take care of him

Roman rolls his eyes and grabs his cane before running off to fight the others.

Strand takes out his weapon and points it at Keith.

Strand: How are you kids always at the top of everything we do?

Keith charges at Strand and kicks him in the chest sending him flying back into some crates.

Keith: Shut up!

Strand gets up and dusts himself off.

Strand: alright I see how it is

Strand spins his blade and points it at Keith loading it with a fire charge, he shoots at him. Keith rolls out of the way before switching his weapon into blaster mode and shooting it at Strand. Strand manages to block most of the shoot but he gets shot in the shoulder and he screams out in pain. Strand looks at his shoulder then he looks over at his men that are defending the train.

Strand: Start the train!!

Arrowhead: We aren't finished

Strand: did I stutter I said start the damn train!!

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