Trials of the emerald forest Pt 1 (volume 1)

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The not so calm night turned into day. Everyone was still calmly sleeping until.

???: Wake up lazy butt

A red head girl said to her friend who was just waking up. The guy with long black hair with a pink stripe got up completely uninterested in his hyper-active friend's attitude.

???: it's morning it's morning it's morning it's morning.

The girl sings all over the place. Later the two are in the bathroom as the guy is brushing his teeth the girl is talking behind him.

???: i cant believe we've been in beacon for a full 24 hours, not that i thought we'd get kicked out or anything. I mean your the perfect student and i'm well, i'm me, but it's just crazy you know.

Now their back in the ballroom, while the guy rolls up his sleeping bag and the girl is still behind him.

???: we've been friends for sooooo long. What are the odds we'd still be together, well not "together" together, i mean i'm not saying your not handsome, i mean you are handsome but i'm more into guys like that.

The girl points over to Cy who's putting on his jacket and mask. The expression on his mask seems to represent that he's confused. Later the two are now in the cafeteria eating breakfast the girl has a pancake in her mouth devouring it.

???: i just hope we end up on the same team together. Oooh we should come up some sort of plan to make sure we end up on the same team together. What we bribe the headmaster... no that wont work he has the school.

They are now by their lockers. The guy is grabbing his weapons from the locker.

???: i know we'll have some sort of signal, like a distress signal, a secret signal. So we can find each other in the forest. Can you imitate a sloth?

The boy finally cracks.

???: Nora

Nora: yes ren?

She asks a bit worried.

Ren: i dont think sloths make alot of noise.

Nora: that's why its perfect, no one will suspect that we're working together

Ren: come on nora.

The two walk off passing by ruby at her locker. Coda and yang are flirting back and forth and ruby is just grabbing her stuff.

Ruby: i wonder, what those two are worked up about.

Coda: yeah that red head's been yapping all morning puts my communications skill to shame.

Coda puts on his gauntlets. Yang turns around to face ruby

Yang: oh who knows, so you seem awfully chipper this morning?

Ruby: yup, no more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff, today i get to let my sweetheart do all the talking.

Ruby caresses crescent rose. Yang smirks.

Yang: i'm not sure that keith would like talking for you for the rest of the year.

Yang nudges her, ruby turns bright red and just hides her face using crescent rose. Coda laughs as he decides to go elsewhere.

Yang: i'm just playing, but remember ruby your not the only one going through initiation, if you want to grow up your gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby bows her head

Ruby: uhhh you sound like dad. Okay first of all what does meeting people have to do with fighting, second of all i don't need people to help me grow up i drink milk.

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