New Challengers...

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"Honor my words, for the stories i tell, leads you to the truth"

The battle of Team Jnpr and Team Brnz had begun. Although he was invested in his friend's fight he had other business to attend to. He made his way to Ozpin's office and he opened the door ot see his mentor waiting for him.

Keith: You called?

Ozpin signaled for him to come closer and Keith complied.

Ozpin: i wanted to talk to you about your match earlier today..

Keith's face was washed with a guilty look, seemingly knowing what Ozpin meant, the situation that brought him here had left his memory a bit fuzzy but he could make out most of it.

*Earlier today*

Team Task stood in the middle of the battle field dealing with well-trained students from Atlas academy known as Team Snow(yeah i know real creative). The fight had been pretty tough but they managed to even out their odds. Six had been eliminated as she had used up her aura healing Keith and Alaska during their fight. Trent made it his job keep Team Snow away from Keith and Alaska by running around in circles so fast that it created a wind vortex that would pick up icicles that Alaska had made to keep Team snow from getting closer. It wasn't looking good for Team Task and it was apparent to everyone watching the fight.

Alaska: We're running out of options and Trent's running out of Aura. What do we do?

Keith wipes the sweat of his face with his hand and begins hitting his head trying to think of an idea.

Keith: i have no fucking idea...

Alaska: We'll have to make it up as we go.

Keith: Your from atlas, you know that they probably have a Plan A through Z.

Alaska: They calculate and predict using the information given to them through the fight. It's best we give them something they aren't expecting.

Keith: We've hit them with all the tricks up our sleeves, what else can we do that they can't expect?

Alaska: that's what I'm trying to figure out.

Onyx: i can help you....

Keith hears onyx's voice inside his head and tries to brush it off.

Onyx: Do you see any other way out, I've dealt with a lot worse i can handle this..

Keith shakes his head tries to think of something else to do. He analyzes each member of Team Snow. In Keith's memory they seemed to just be blurry outlines. Keith holds his head in pain and collapses to his knees. He became more and more desensitized, although Alaska and Everyone else watching was confused, Keith knew exactly the reason. Keith's eyes open with his once bright blue eyes replaced with a crimson red.

Alaska: Keith, Are you ok?

"Keith": Couldn't be better...

"Keith's" left eye begins to emit a dark flame with a crimson glow. Everyone in the stadium was confused on "Keith's" sudden change of powers and they all watched in interest on the result of this change. From the crimson flame emerges red ash that flows behind "Keith". Team Snow seemed intimated but tried their best not to show it. "Keith" closes his eyes and in a flash, he disperses into a large mass of red ash. The mass flows straight for team snow picking up the discarded icicles as he did so. The mass of ash crashes into Team Snow and shoots them out of bounds calling match with Team Task being the victors.


Ozpin: i understand that you see Garnet as support in your fights but here during the festival it's not your time to do so. We're trying to be discreet with the fact that your the reincarnation of the past "Guardian of beacon"

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