After Party(Short)

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Team Pyda, Team Arcc and everyone in team task except Alaska plus yang,Sun and Neptune. Like most college parties, it heavily revolved around alcohol. Commando has brought in some starter stuff such as regular brewed beer meanwhile Coda, Cy and Dj had brought some Whiskey. They all say around the coffee table sharing stories of their time before beacon and meeting each other with coda having the most interesting tales taking over the show floor.

Coda: So basically, me and my family were out one night, it was my oldest brother's birthday, and our family, we love our alcohol. If it's a birthday for one of us, it's gonna be a hangover hangout the next day, so anyway my brother, he's a BIG drinker, he can almost out drink my dad, so they get into a competition. They get shit drink, so much so the bartender asks my mom to get them out before they kick them out by force and you see my dad is still piss drunk so he doesn't fucking know what the bartender is telling my mom, so he thinks it's a guy flirting. So he walks up to the guy and  takes one good swing at him and the guy goes flying across the room, so my brother he's also wasted, so he doesn't know what's going on and in his blurry vision he makes out the silhouette of a guy, so he swings and hits our dad. So they both start fighting each other thinking the other guy is the bartender, then my mom gets mad and he'll that women is fucking SCARY when angry even puts my wife here to same. She gets up and goes over to my dad and brother and picks them up. Not even an exaggeration, like she picks both of them up and she carries them out on her own and me and my other brother just look at each other like we just piss out the entire ocean. Our mom looks at us and just tells us "get into the car we are leaving and I better not see another drop of alcohol in the house ever again" so from then on we never drank in the house or went out ever again.

Keith: how'd they wake up the next morning?

Coda: Couple bruises and a very disappointed women

Commando: hell with a stunt like that I think sleeping on the couch would be a blessing for him.

Coda: hell who said he slept on the couch, that was three straight night in the shed.

They all laugh at the joke and continue to sip on their drinks.

Adam: since we're on the subject of women, let's see all take a vote on which couple here in the first years did you call since day 1?

Coda: shit can we vote for ourselves?

Adam shakes his head and smiles

Adam: nope

Coda: shit, alright...umm I've got to say Ruby and Keith. Since the moment I saw them talking I knew they'd get together.

Keith: come on, it wasn't that obvious

Yang: oh please, ruby wouldn't stop talking about you any chance she got, she still does.

Keith: yeah, whatever. Let's move on, who's next on the ranking.

Commando: Coda and Yang, it was pretty obvious they were together when they weren't together.

Coda: It's called locking in and going for the kill my friend.

Commando: yeah and I think you went above and beyond the call of duty

Commando says grabbing Coda's wrist showing the ring to everyone causing them to laugh.

Coda: You know what they say "go big or go home".

Coda takes a sip of his drink before lifting it up

Coda: alright, who's next on the chopping block.

Sun: I've got to say Blake and Adam. Second I saw his face after I gave her a wink made me think I either had fucked with a taken woman or I was watching a guy best friend just hit his breaking point. I knew they were going to get together when I spent that weekend with them.

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