17 1 0

Keith and Mercury stood across from each other, Keith was enraged at Mercury attacking ruby so he was the first to strike, he punched Mercury in the face but Mercury was quick to recover, he sweep kicks Keith and knocks him on his ass but Keith blasts him with semblance and sends him back a few feet, Mercury decides to back down and runs away down the hallway with Keith trying to run after him but Ruby stops him

Ruby: there's no time!

Keith scowls as he watches Mercury disappear around the corner. He follows ruby out the door and watches as her face is blasted with shock and sadness, he looks towards where his girlfriend was facing and he sees Penny cut into pieces with Pyrrha standing in shock. Ruby follows to her knees and begins crying while Keith stares with a blank expression with tears forming at the corner of his eyes.

Keith: I was too late

He thought to himself as he watched the crowd react in shock at the scene they had just witnessed, Keith looks down at his girlfriend who was still in tears, Keith wanted to do something but he couldn't and before he could react the screens on the collusuem all began to broadcast a red screen with the same chest piece they had seen during the night of the infiltration. Not long after the voice of cinder began to come through the intercoms as she began to monologue.

Cinder: This was not a tragedy, This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claim to be our guardians, who are in reality nothing more than men, our academy's headmasters hold more power than most armies and was audacious enough to control both, they claim to hold this power on the name of peace and yet what do we have here? Another nation's attempt at a synthetic army torn apart by another star pupil, what need would atlas have to disguise a soldier as an innocent little girl, I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference, and next may I ask is what is ozpin teaching his students, first a dismemberment and next this? Huntsmen and Huntress should carry themselves with honor and mercy yet I have witness neither, perhaps Ozpin believed that beating atlas in a tournament would help people forget his collosal failure to protect vale when the Grimm invaded it's streets , or perhaps this was his message to tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces, honestly I haven't the slightest clue on who is right and who is wrong but I know that the existence of peace is fragile and the leaders of our kingdoms coduct their business with iron gloves, as someone that hails from Mistral I can assure you that the situation there... equally undesirable, our kingdom is at the brink of war and our citizens are left in the dark, so I ask you when the first shots are fired who do you think we can trust?

Cinder's words echoed through Keith's mind, he only heard brief instances of the alarm and felt an evil presence approaching fast.

Onyx: somethings coming...

He heard the fallen warrior speak from inside his head.

Keith: what?

Onyx: Grimm...

He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of an emergency broadcast coming from the intercom.

Intercom: Alert! Incoming Grimm attack! threat level 9! Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner!

The people in the stadium begin to run around and scream in panic, through the crowd Keith manages to see Emerald and Orion retreat down a corridor from across the stadium. He fights the urge to go after them with his main objective being to help the people.

Ironwood: ladies and gentlemen please! There is no need for panic!

General ironwood is heard from the intercom briefly before a giant nevermore flies over to the stadium and tries to break the invisible barrier with its beak.

Keith: Shit!

*Announcer booth*

General ironwood looks up at the nevermore before feeling his scroll buzz, he looks down and sees the caller id being one of his ships.

Ironwood: What's going on!

Atlas captain: Grimm are flooding the city, we tried to detain them with the help of the Barnes milita but they backed out first sign of trouble.

Ironwood scowls before slamming his fist as he hug up, he slowly growls before getting another call, he checks his scroll again and sees that it was Ozpin.

Ironwood: Ozpin, the girl I can explain!

Ozpin: you brought your army to my kingdom James....use it.

*Atlas ship*

The same atlas captain that called Ironwood earlier was looking at a screen monitoring the situation which looked pretty bleak.

Captain: Damn it!

He grabs his scroll and contacts other nearby ships to get into defense position.

Captain: This is blue 4, blue 2 and 3 I need you to get into defense position!

Blue 3 pilot: Roger! Blue 3 in position!

Captain: Blue 2 what's your status?

In ship Blue 2, the cockpit was empty with the corpses littered around and the echo of the Captain's voice coming from one of the computers. Two pairs of footsteps are heard walking down to the containment cells, they stop in front of a cell and open the door revealing Torchwick sitting in the dark, he looks up and sees Neo and Strand which causes him to smirk.

Roman: Well, it's about time

*Few Minutes later*

Roman, Strand and Neo were back in the cockpit. Roman fiddles around with the controls and clicks random buttons and switches to see what sticks, he shoots a missile at another ship which causes it to fly directly into the other next to it with the screams of the crew coming from the radio.

Roman: Oh that's what I'm talking about!

Roman says as he laughs with an evil smile on his face, Strand picks up his scroll and contacts Jeremiah who was waiting at the beacon landing bay for a small fleet of both arrowhead and white fang soldiers to arrive including Adam Taurus.

Strand: How's it going on your guy's end?

Jeremiah: They're about to land, you guys got Torchwick?

Strand: Yeah, we've got him, just keep this brief. We don't need to shed any more blood than we have too

Jeremiah: Can't promise if the others can keep up

Jeremiah laughs before hanging up as the shuttles land, he watches Adam Taurus exit out with his men

Adam: bring them to their knees

Another ship opens up revealing grimm to be loaded up on them, they roar before charging off at the school along with the white fang and some of the arrowheads, Jeremiah stops one of the arrowhead lieutenants

Jeremiah: Get to strand using your semblance make sure they've got everything covered in case they need to bail

Arrowhead lieutenant: Gotcha

The lieutenant creates a portal using his semblance and manages to go through it before disappearing. Jeremiah looks up at beacon tower and smiles as he reaches into his pocket and takes out his sunglasses.

Jeremiah: It's showtime

He says before he takes off his mask and tosses it to the ground as he grabs his dagger and sword running to catch up with the white fang and the rest of their forces.

(Shits gonna get even realer next chapter bro)

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