Promise between brothers(short)

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A/n: sorry for not posting anything on this story. I'm still writing the initiation chapter, which I decided to rewrite because of how shitty it was the first time. So here's a chapter that gives some insight to some stuff that will be explained post-beacon.

*16 years ago*

It was late at night and Tai Yang looked outside the window of his home lost in his thoughts. He was often a happy person. He tried his best to be a good father to his daughter after raven left him but it wasn't easy. Raven's departure from him wasn't hurt him the most. What huet him the most was the lost of one of his best friends. Onyx Garnet, apprentice of ozpin and Tai's best friend but most importantly summer's husband. Tai had met onyx when he first arrived at beacon. Onyx being ozpin's apprentice meant that it was his job to take care of new arrivals but it was different for Tai and the rest of team STRQ. Onyx didn't just play your guide to them, he was actually their friend someone that Tai could rely on. Onyx was a good man and Tai missed him dearly. Tai recalled all the dumb conversations that onyx and him would have. Tai would always love to tell onyx his puns while onyx would always come to Tai about his feelings for summer. Tai had pushed onyx into asking out summer and their romance lasted way beyond beacon. Tai would always seen it as his "greatest achievement" up until he had yang. Tai thought back to all the moments they had after graduating. Tai remembered when onyx had asked him to be his best man when summer and him had gotten married, tai remembered when he had asked onyx the same question when he married raven. Tai had gone through a lot with him. Tai looked at his finger there he examined a ring with a red onyx and garnet infused into the metal. He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at the window to see the reflection of summer. Tai turned around and looked at her sweet smile. His eyes traveled down to summer's pregnant stomach and he simply sighed

Summer: it's late

Tai: I know, I was just thinking

Summer: just get to bed soon, you shouldn't be stressing yourself this badly.

Tai: yeah I know, what are you doing up anyway.

Summer: the baby keeps kicking.

Tai: you should be in bed

Summer: I could say the same for you

Tai: you got me there.

Silence fills the room.

Tai: I'm sorry for what happened to him

Summer: it's no one's fault

Tai: I just... it doesn't feel right for us to be together especially after what happened.

Summer: I know... It's hard for me too but we need to stay strong for yang and for ruby.

Tai: Ruby?

Summer: I thought it was a fitting name.

Tai: he would have loved it.

Summer: he did, he was the one that brought it up when we would talk about having kids.

Tai: of course he did.

The two chuckle. Summer leans over and kisses Tai's cheek softly.

Summer: get to bed soon.

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