The Best Day Ever(Volume 2)

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Old man shop keep hangs up a banner for his store. He stands on a ladder until someone accidentally bumps into the ladder by accident. He looks up and sees a dark skinned woman with mint green hair.

???: Excuse me, sorry, I'm not really from around here

She pulls out a piece of paper with an address.

???: Can you point me in the direction of this shop?

The old man tells her and the woman walks away. Around the corner were her partners, a man with gray hair and a white haired male with white faunus fox ears with sunglasses. The woman walked past them as they were leaning on a wall.

Gray haired male: i knew you were lost

Mint haired girl: Mercury i'll seriously pay you to shut up

She walks in front of him with a stolen wallet in hand.

Mercury: that's not your money

He says smugly, smirking at mercury.

Mint haired girl: but it could be yours for five minutes of silence.

Mercury sarcastically pretends to think, he shakes his head

Mercury: mmm..No deal

The faunus grabs a dagger from his pocket then points it at mercury.

Faunus: why pay when a knife could easily do the job for free

The faunus smirks before laughing at him. The girl throws a lien card to the ground before putting away of the wallet
Mint haired girl: Fine

Mercury rolls his eyes.

Mercury: Whatever, you want me

Mercury singles to the faunus and they both get off the wall and follow the girl who was already walking away. They walk down the streets admiring the "beauty" of the city.

Mercury: so, how much farther?

Mint haired girl: A few more blocks

Mercury groans

Mercury: Uhh, this place is so dull

Mint haired girl: meh, i kinda like it, tall buildings, diverse culture.

Mercury: And nice dopey people that are easy to pickpocket.

Faunus: plus people that give dirty looks to "suspicious" looking faunus

Mint haired girl: that's every city

Mercury extends his hands out seemingly to beg for mercy.

Mercury: Oh emerald, master thief please don't steal my money, i barely have enough to get by

He droops down in his sarcastic sadness. The faunus pushes him to the ground and emerald giggles before they help him up.

Mercury: oh fuck you otto.

Otto: I'll do anything if it gets you to shut up. I would kill you if our bosses weren't bumping uglies. God, I always thought office sex was something hot until passing by Strand's office a few nights ago.

Mercury and Emerald both fake gag at the thought of cinder and strand getting it on.

Mercury: Gross dude!

Otto: I'm glad to spread my sorrow.

The walk into the store they were headed for revealed it to be a bookstore. Emerald and "Otto" walked over to the cash register. Mercury begins looking at the books but he feels like he's being watched and looks around seeing no one. Emerald rings the bell at the front

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