~Cold Weathers~ pt. 4 Chapter 39

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Scara's hands traced my throat, petting it like I was some cat. The way he held my chin up, tilting my head right against his lower stomach, forcing me to look up at him and his stupidly beautiful face. The same face that was tainted with anger and disgust the majority of the time. Not this time. He was amused. One corner of his mouth tilted up into a smirk. Oh, did I melt. Forget being some cat, I was a puddle of disregarded snow in the summer. I could almost feel my eyes dilating at the mere sight of his cruel beauty in the raw.

My eyelids blinked away my daze. No more was I focused on the shades of lipsticks. I felt warm... I felt like I could break into a sweat at any second. I swallowed hard, and Scara chuckled deeply from that. I was an idiot, surely, because he was still caressing, rubbing, and petting at my throat. He felt me swallow. My lips quivered when I fully comprehended the situation. He was holding my head up against his lower stomach. Holy FUCKING SHIT. "Cat got your tongue, my little pet?", Scara cooed enough for only me to hear.

Scara's tone was coated in his liquid ego. It was coated in his pride- his cockiness. A shiver ran down my spine. I truly was speechless. So many thoughts and words were compiled in my throat, not releasing. I swallowed once more to get rid of this weird feeling in my stomach. "No. Just... Caught off guard. Let go of me, I'm not your pet.", I barked back in a quiet tone.

I didn't desire having Lola see this. Or Thoma, for that matter. No desire for that at all. None. My hand traveled to Scara's, removing his hands manually. Then I pushed myself up off of my knees, scrambling to my feet. My gaze met Scara's, one of his eyebrows perked up in either amusement or curiosity. Or both, maybe. I was oblivious to what he was thinking. "Pets don't talk back.", Scara cooed, now just teasing me.

"Good thing I'm not your pet then.", I mumbled straining my gaze back to the makeup.

"Ignoring me to? That's just cruel!~" Hot breath hit my neck.

Another shiver. This one, I swear, Scara could see.

A low sigh rumbled in the depths of my throat. If he wanted attention then I knew exactly what to give him. Undivided attention. "You want attention? Fine. Let's test out some shades shall we?", I said, turning back to him. I

felt my eye twitch. Scara took a second to register my words. What made it click for him was how I grabbed some shades of lipstick. Deep reds, pinks, purples, greens. He was gonna get attention, all right. These were hard as fuck to get off. Scara backed away slightly, staring at the lipstick like a cat would at a cucumber. Who's the pet now?

"Come, sit." , I cooed this time. It wasn't a request, it was a demand.

My tone was coated in warning. Scara most definitely caught onto that warning, because he very cautiously heeded it. I found a chair near a mirror. How convenient. Scara approached, and I practically pushed him onto the chair by his shoulders. His indigo eyes peered up at the shades I picked, and slowly to meet my gaze. His face was now faulted with concern. But his annoying tone was silenced. I had muted him. Finally. I could practically see his Adam's apple bob as he stared up at me.

I was taller than Scara while he was sitting. I stepped forward slightly, my hand reaching out to grab his chin. It wasn't quite considered gentle. This was gonna be my revenge for him giving me butterflies, because how dare he. Now I was in his place, and he was in mine. The irony made my lips curl. My head leaned towards his, to see him better. I tilted his face up slowly. "Part your lips.", I mumbled, my thumb carefully going underneath his bottom lip.

My other hand carefully unclipped a random lipstick tester that I had snatched. "Are you planning on kissing me for this "test of shades"?", Scara mumbled in a witty reply.

"With the way you're acting, you wouldn't deserve it. Now, pucker up. Be lucky I'm not doing black. That would be torture in itself to get off...", My tone trailed off, getting a good angle to apply the first shade. It was a pink.

"Or you're just scared you'd like it.~" Scara teased, his eyes narrowing and his mischievous smirk following pursuit.

Scara looked up at me with such a dauntingly luring expression. He was provoking me, and I knew that. But now I had more than enough reason to play along. I have found I can become quite used to butterfly fields. "That to", I started with a grin,"I thought I said to pucker up, pet."

Immediately Scara's face became warmer. His smirk faded into the depths of whatever it was he was thinking about. I made sure to emphasize the little nickname he gave me, though, he listened. Only listened. He didn't part his lips to speak anymore. Scara's lips puckered out, as his eyes peered curiously and cautiously at my hand that held the pink lipstick, and my expression. I had only hoped he liked what he saw. I don't know how I'd act if he didn't.

I put the lipstick on carefully, lining his lips first, before going in for the bigger portions of his lips. His lips were thinner, but who didn't say I could make them... Plumper? I never promised I wouldn't. Ohh~ This would be raw entertainment. Pure. Live. It almost made me shudder with laughter at just the thought.

I pulled back to see my artwork in it's full beauty. Scara's sleek indigo hair... His deep indigo eyes... His pale skin... Then pink pretty princess lips. My lips quivered as I struggled to hold back the rumble of cackles I had lurking in my throat. I just let out an amused sigh in replacement. Scara clearly saw my reaction, and he became nervous. He tried to spin his chair to see the mirror, but I stopped him with my hands sharply holding his shoulders. "You look so... P-pretty.", I said, stuff wrong out the words in an attempt to conceal my laughter.

Scara didn't seem to like my joke, even if he didn't know what he looked like yet. My eyes widened when his face leaned closer to mine. His smirk returned and holy shit did it look perfect with the lipstick. How could he still be so... Mind numbing? "I've been a good boy, such a good boy,", Scara leaned in even closer to my face, tilting his head. "so do I deserve the kiss yet?~"

I nearly lost my grip on Scara's shoulders right then and there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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