~Sweets pt. 2~ Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov

I stared up at Scaramouche with such awkwardness, and surprise. I didn't know If I should've even acknowledge him, or just ignore his existence. His facial expression told me that he was pondering on that same matter. I watched as it slowly turned into a red one, probably from embarrassment from working at such a cute place. His eyes trailed down to what I was wearing, which caused him to show another expression. That facial expression just confused me. It seemed like he almost liked seeing it on me. Just almost. My own face turned a bright red from embarrassment, too, when I remembered what exactly I was wearing. Scaramouche quickly gained his composure back, and stared down at me with a polite smile.

"I hope you enjoy your dessert, dear.", Scaramouche managed to say in a smooth and soft tone.

No wonder this bakery was so... popular.

I smirked mischievously, as I ate the cute strawberry designed pastry. I was so going to tease Scaramouche for this. He had a cute side! I didn't even mind having him see me like this, anymore. Him being so sweet, and his tone in speaking did make me flustered. He was perfect for this job, especially when it seemed like he was one of the only workers. He attracted loads of customers, and I could tell. I was one of the many girls sitting at a table, with him on our minds. I almost felt prideful from the fact that I knew him as well as I did, compared to these girls. The fact still stood, that I desired to know more. I really didn't know jackshit in general, but the girls truly didn't know an eighth of that jackshit. My expression almost said "Hah! Suck on THAT!"

My arrogance died down, when I remembered why I was here. An interview for a job... I almost forgot that factor. I smiled in satisfaction as I finished off the pastry infront of me, leaving an empty plate. I giggled from an idea that popped into my head. With a swift motion, I pulled out a sticky note and pen. I wrote a very... mature message. "Gotcha. (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞" I left it on my tip for him, and went into my interview.

As I walked into the room, I looked back and saw Scaramouche's ears turn a bright red, as he read the note. I giggled, right before I was greeted by a innocent looking man. Seemingly, in his 30s. I could tell he meant no harm to anyone. The innocent looking man reminded me of Thoma. Definitely would be related.

"You're Y/n L/n, correct?", The man said, smiling politely at me.

I smiled back, and nodded.

He outreached his hand towards me, gesturing to shake mine. I politely shook his hand, and nodded slightly.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, sir."

"Feel free to sit down."

With that, he pointed to a chair behind me. I obediently sat down, not wanting to make a bad impression.

"My name is Loid Omur, but you can just call me Loid. So, Y/n, why does this job appeal to you?", Loid said, sitting down himself.

I smiled slightly.

"I love cutesy things and sweets. If I can make others happy with the same things, I would be glad... If that answers your question." I answered, obviously nervous.

You're My Enemy...Right? [Scaramouche x FEM! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now