~Mentor?~ Chapter 21

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Y/n's POV

Scaramouche sat there panting. He looked kind of particular when panting like that, but I shrugged it off. He sighed, in what looked like relief, when he saw that I was sitting at a table. He immediately fixed his posture, and stopped panting. I was trying my hardest not to laugh. My lips squirmed as I saw how quickly he tried to seem like he wasn't panicked, when he saw me staring right at him. Scaramouche looked like he was having a heart attack trying to stop panting. I felt sympathy towards him. I smirked slightly, deciding to tease him about this. "I almost fell asleep waiting for you to get here, mentor~" I said, making the 'mentor' more noticeable in my words.

Scara glared at me, clearly not amused. "Oh, shut up with your pathetic teases." He said in an annoyed tone, obviously caused from my words.

I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I stopped in my tracks, and thought if I should be nicer to him now. He did agree to mentor me, and spare me the uncomfort from being mentored by any other male. I felt uneasy about my words now. I just cleared my throat, and switched my demeanor to more kind and professional, in a way. I didn't apologize, since my pride was too big for that, plus he probably did deserve it.

Scaramouche sighed, letting his annoyance clear out of him. He gently grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen. He gave me my uniform, and pushed me into the bathroom. No words said. I was somewhat surprised from his actions, but I just shrugged it off. I put on the uniform, and put my hair into a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and let Scaramouche change as well.

After we were both done with changing, Scara made sure nobody was looking and opened the cabinet where the black kitten was. The kitten was just sleeping, and instantly meowed in a high pitched tone when seeing Scara. I saw a soft smile spread acrossed his face from it, which made me amused. He closed the cabinet after feeding the kitten, and stood back up. Scaramouche looked at me. "Ready?" He asked, getting some supplies already.

I nodded, watching him closely. "Good. You need to learn how to bake and decorate some pastries, and hardest of all... Serving them." Scaramouche explained, sounding like he wouldn't give me a choice either way.

Scaramouche set stuff up for the both of us on a counter, and spoke up. "Just follow my instructions and you'll be fine."

Scara's tone almost seemed like a threat, but I just did as he said. He said loads of different techniques and how to handle certain customers, etc. He also guided me through the whole process. His words were so detailed. I hadn't even needed to ask any questions, since he would already answer them for me in an instant. I wasn't doing so bad. He was actually a pretty good mentor. He explained... Everything I needed to know, while showing me how to do things at the same time. He spoke more gently to me now. Less harsh, now that he was focused on multitasking. "Now lastly," He took a second to inhale. "We need to be partners for this. We need to seem like we're close. I know you don't like me at all, but it'd be the better for the both of us..."

I stopped baking when he accused me of not liking him. I looked at him to see his usual calm face, like it didn't effect him. Like he had already accepted it. I didn't hate him... I really didn't. Those were just stupid excuses from me being bitter about him being distant. "I don't dislike you in any way." I replied, in a quiet tone. "I don't mind acting like we're close. It doesn't bother me. That might be different for you, but I agree with you. It'd be better. If I didn't like you then I wouldn't have let you mentor me. I would've just forgetten about this job. You're just difficult sometimes, but we all are."

Scara's eyebrows crept up curiously from my words. Was it that surprising? His expression was softened, as I heard him breathing steadily. He took a second of silence, as he kept baking with me.

After a couple of minutes, Scara turned fully towards me. "Hmm... that's not how you wear that outfit." Scaramouche said, looking at me now. "It doesn't look bad but you would normally wear it like..." He trailed off, wrapping his arms around to my back.

A tie was on my back, and he slowly undid it, and instead wrapped it around and tied it at my stomach. He was smiling ever so slightly, and I felt... Weird. What was happening? I felt unusual. A weird tangy and sweet feeling in my stomach like I had just leaned to far back in a chair. It was a... Sweet kind of panic. His smile only just caused that feeling to grow. I held my arms up slightly, letting him mess with my outfit. He slowly did a fancy bow with the ribbon. It was very neat, and precise. He chuckled softly. "You got it completely wrong, Y/n.", said Scara. He was smiling. It was obvious that he wasn't meaning to be mean.

I turned embarrassed, looking away as he messed with the outfit more. He tugged at some things, clearly picky. I felt him take out my ponytail, letting my hair down. I looked back at Scara, confused. He still had that gentle look. He set down the ponytail with one hand, while he moved the other to stroke my hair slowly. I looked at him, still confused. At my confusion, his expression would soften even more. He ran his fingers slowly through my hair. I didn't dare pull away.


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