~Technically a New Side? pt.3~ Chapter 30 🎉🎉🎉

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Y/n's POV

Scaramouche just called me beautiful! He... was also drunk though, so it may just be a mistake. He laid his head on my stomach and looked up at me with such warmth though... Did he mean it?

"Do you really think that?", I decided to ask.

My hand was running through Scara's indigo colored hair. It was soft, and felt nice. His face was buried in my stomach as he nodded. He wrapped his arms around my waist tighter, seemingly getting my comfortable. I smiled with a red hue spread across my cheeks. He was being so affectionate, and I couldn't say that I didn't like it; I definitely did like it. My heart was racing and I was only left praying that he couldn't hear it. It seemed so loud. It almost filled the silence. There was another emotion in the air, as well. Everything felt so warm and cozy. I liked this feelings a lot. It was almost stress relieving. I wondered what would happen in the morning. Would he avoid me again? Would he be more clingy? Would he even stay till the morning?

I knew I didn't want Scara to leave. This felt nice. He almost felt like a child in need of attention.

My eyes wondered to the quiet TV. I took my hand off of his hair. The TV was playing some random channel. My focus went back on Scara. I saw that he had closed his eyes. I smiled, and continued to run my fingers through his hair. He rubbed his face into my stomach when I went back to running my fingers through his hair. Did he enjoy when I played with his hair? I started doing it more. I noticed that his eyes were closed, while his breathing was calm and slow. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the both of us.

Everything felt so good in that moment. It felt like we were both comfortable. Both bonding in a better way, even if Scara was intoxicated. It was so nice. In all honesty, I didn't really want this to end.

My body started to relax in the embrace. My hand was in Scara's hair. My eyes fluttered shut as well, my hand slowly stopping. My breathing grew slow just like Scara's. We were in sync now.

Now, all that was left to do was find out what would happen in the morning.

My slumber was disturbed by fast movement. I slowly opened my eyes to see Scara, now off of me, and sat up. His whole face was red. His eyes were wide. His lips were parted slightly, in a way that revealed how dumbfounded he was. Scara's face said it all. It was an expression that I had sympathy for. He was definitely remembering all that had happened last night. I grinned slightly. It was fun to see him flustered. We were equal now.

Scara's mouth moved as if trying to say something, but not a sound came from his mouth. He was seriously flustered. I wanted to see if he could become even more flustered. I spoke up in a drowsy tone. "Aww... You were comfortable and warm... Why did you have to get up?", I said, seeing Scara turn his face away.

Scara sighed, before he laid back down, his head resting on my stomach. I wasn't expecting him to lay back down, but I didn't complain. He covered us both with the blanket from before. I could tell that he was still extremely flustered. I decided to tease him slightly. "Aww, such a good boy~" I teased.

Scara shifted slightly, his face growing redder. "You owe me breakfast for this...", I heard Scara mumble.

A small giggle escaped my mouth, as I smiled wider. It was a fair deal. "Deal."

I wondered if he meant what he said by me being beautiful. I wasn't going to ask though. He probably didn't mean it, and I didn't want me feeling being hurt. This was enough for me. I wasn't going to be selfish.

Might as well sleep in more. Scara is too embarrassed to do anything. I doubt he'd leave. He would've already if he wanted to. With that, I went back to sleep. I'm pretty sure Scara did too, from his slow breathing, but I don't know for sure.

I woke up again, this time from a squeal. I rubbed my eyes, opening them to see Lola staring at me and Scara in an embrace. She was smiling like an idiot. She was mouthing the words "Oh my god". I really needed my passcode changed.

Scara turned his face to see Lola, and his body instantly turned tense. Lola smirked, taking this as an opportunity to tease us. "I'll leave. I don't want to hurt my innocent eyes~", I heard her say.

I immediately spoke up in a panicked and flustered tone. "No! This isn't what it looks like, I swear! We weren't doing anything inapropriate!"

Scara turned back to me, seemingly amused. He didn't move either. He was just watching this like a show.

Why was I so... flustered?

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