~Good Morning~ Chapter 20

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Y/n's POV

This felt different. The warmth of Thoma's hand didn't spread through mine like Scaramouche's did. It almost felt like it was... Right with Scara. It confused me, but I put it at rest as I fell into a peaceful slumber.

I woke up to load, hangover snoring from Lola, who was sprawled out on my bed. Thoma was curled up, his head next to my hand. I was tempted to ruffle his hair, but he looked too peaceful when he slept. I fought some demons, before I got out of bed. Something shouted at me to be nice and cook breakfast, and I did just that. I made some scrambled eggs, and bacon. Quite basic, but they would have to be grateful for it. I got ready for the day, before walking them up. I nudged Lola first, causing her to shift her sleeping position to avoid being woken up. I sighed, and tried to wake Thoma up. When he opened his eyes drowsily, he was caught off guard from being laying curled up on my bed. He woke almost immediately though.

"You could've let me sleep on the floor, or had me go to my dorm." Thoma said, more apologetic than anything.

I smiled at him.

"I really didn't mind. You looked comfortable, I didn't want to kick you out." I replied, before pointing to the food. "I made some breakfast, you can have first pick since Lola isn't waking up easily."

Thoma smiled back at me. I could tell by his body language and eyes gazing away from mine that he still felt bad for sleeping over after getting drunk. He sat up, stretched with a slight grunt in his voice, and stood up from bed. He was definitely a morning person. He had no eyebags, and even was smiling. Envy is what I felt, but that's besides the point. Thoma went over to grab some breakfast, as I went back to shaking Lola dramatically. She finally woke up, and glared at me. I was instantly forgiven when she saw the breakfast I had made. I checked the time to see that it was 2pm. I had 2 hours till I had to be at the bakery, where Scaramouche would have to mentor me. I might as well let them know that I had to leave soon. I spoke up, as they ate.

"I need to be at the bakery by 4 so that Scaramouche could mentor me." I said it so casually. I didn't even realize what I had said.

Right when Lola and Thoma heard that they had almost the same reaction. Pure shock. Lola spit out the water she had in her mouth, as Thoma choked on a bacon piece. I sat and watched, not realizing what was wrong.

"Scaramouche?!" Lola exclaimed, making sure she had heard me right.

'ohh' was all my mind could think. I forgot to tell her. I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly.

"I forgot to tell you..." I avoided her gaze, as Thoma was still in the corner, practically suffocating.

"Forgot to tell me?! That's quite a big thing to forget!!" Lola kept yelling at me, clearly mad that I didn't tell her.

I just listened to her obnoxious lecture, and waited for them to be done eating.

It was almost 3 now.

I kept watch of the time, slowly getting much more anxious as time went by. I wasn't going to risk being late. I left, not caring much that they were still in my dorm; they broke in. It was a decent walk, and I would have extra time. I felt so nervous about this. I didn't know exactly why... Probably since it was a new job, and at a bakery, too!

I walked, and I saw some couple on the side walks. They looked so natural... So comfortable around each other. I wondered how it'd feel to feel that comfortable with someone that I would be interested in. Was it fake? How long did they know each other? How do you get to that level? I was only just curious. I had convinced myself that I didn't need a relationship to depend on, and waste mental sanity on. It's not healthy, in some cases, and I knew that. In a weird sense, I felt somewhat bitter at the couples, even though I knew nothing about them. Literally nothing. I sighed, and let it go. I didn't know why I was bitter. I just was. Probably some sort of jealousy of being able to be in a healthy relationship... but I didn't know if it was healthy. I was just assuming, like the human I am. It was natural, wasn't it? Pride, jealousy, being petty, all of which was natural... For me anyways.

I walked into the bakery, and I saw Loid. He smiled at me with a friendly ilingz before smirking at me like some teenage girl that new gossip. The only difference was that I could tell that me and Scara were the gossip. I blushed slightly, feeling ashamed of the stunt I had pulled yesterday. I sat down at a table for two, specifically the same one Scara and I were at yesterday. I looked more closely around the bakery. It didn't look like Scara was here, yet. A peach colored trim, shiny patterned tiles, some strawberry posters and patterns, and so on. It seemed so pink, but it felt nice. I saw Scaramouche run through the door, obviously knowing he has been late. He panted his hands on his knees. It was something you'd see straight from a movie. Specifically when a person runs from a killer in a horror movie.

I felt somewhat bad. I could have brought Scara with me, but I didn't even think about it. I shrugged it off. It was more amusing to see him like this. Actually panicked. A new side to him that I hadn't seen till now. I wanted to see more sides of him that nobody had seen before.


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