~Technically a New Side? pt. 4~ Chapter 31

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Y/n's POV

My face had a red hue spread all over like a canvas with red. Lola was standing there with wide eyes and a sly smile on her face. She looked like she was biting back wheezes at the sight of me and Scara... In bed... together. It didn't help that Scara wasn't saying anything at all. He just sat back and watched. He might as well be eating popcorn. My mouth rambled on and on, trying to explain to Lola. She just laughed, and kept teasing back.

After a while of defending myself, I got cut off by my phone. It was ringing.... And it was next to Scara. Scara looked over and his expression grew cold, before he grabbed it, and handed it to me. "Here. *Somebody* is calling you.", He mumbled.

My blood turned cold when I saw who was calling me. It was Thoma. I realized that I had forgotten to reply to his texts from last night. I instantly answered, both Scara and Lola staring at me and the phone that was next to my ear. "Ah, h-hello..?", I said awkwardly, feeling pressure under their intense stares.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU REPLY TO MY TEXTS?! ARE YOU OKAY?!", I heard a scream in my ear say.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, letting Thoma scream at me. I was astonished. Lola realized who it was and smirked.

(This bitch is what I imagine-)

(This bitch is what I imagine-)

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(Anyways- back to the story)

My ear almost rang from how loud Thoma's concerned screaming was. He kept screaming and asking questions, obviously oblivious to the fact that I was with people. He finally quieted down and gave me an opportunity to reply to his concerns. "I'm sorry, I was just... Busy at the moment. I'm fine, don't worry.", I said, trying to look away from Scara's and Lola's stares.

"I was worried, y'know. I was wondering how you were...", He replied in a tone that made me feel instantly bad for forgetting to reply to him.

"Uhm... I'm kind of dealing with a situation right now...", I said to Thoma, referring to Scara and Lola.

I heard Thoma make a noise before hanging up. I was confused, but just shrugged and put my phone down. Both Lola and Scara looked at me with expectancy. I sighed, before telling them what happened. "I forgot to reply to Thoma yesterday, and he got concerned."

Scara's eyes lit up slightly, almost in realization before he just nodded in unison with Lola. Scara opened his mouth to speak before I heard fast footsteps in the dorm hallway, followed by the door slamming open. My front door. I flinched slightly, before peaking to see who or what it was. It was Thoma panting like he was running miles, before managing to speak. "What's wrong?! You said you were dealing with- ah..."

Thoma looked over to see both Lola and Scara sitting next to each other just staring at him with wide and confused eyes. Lola handed Scara a small little apple juice box. They were just silently observing, leaving me to have to explain yet again.

"Haha... So...."

Thoma just looked at me and back at Scara, before having a realization. He blushed hard before covering his face with one hand. He realized that he had just called me in front of Scara and Lola... They heard everything.

I just heard Scara and Lola drinking apple juice side by side. It was such an amusing moment to the both of them. I would think that Scara would be overly flustered and would leave, but he looked quite cozy.

"Apple juice?", Lola said, holding out a small apple juice box in Thoma's direction.

Thoma just cleared his throat and took it from Lola. This was such an awkward moment. It was so silent before Lola broke it with... Apple juice.

Thoma and Scara seemed to be having some sort of staring contest, just staring at each other. Thoma sat next to all of us on my bed, I was next to both Scara and Thoma, while Lola was sitting next to Scara and Thoma. Lola just smirked at me.

After a while of drinking apple juice in silence, Lola broke the awkwardness, yet again. "So~ You're the one that Y/n talks a lot, right?~", Lola said to Scara.

Scara looked at her, then me in confusion, before a very light shade of red appearing on his cheeks.

"So, you talk about me?", Scara asked, looking over at me with a slight smile.

I didn't know what to say. I felt nervous. I felt my face getting warmer with the tension and pressure in the air.

"Well... Yeah... It's inevitable since we work together.", I mumbled quickly, not wanting to say something that would embarrass myself.

Scara just nodded, not pushing much further into the details.

Lola smile grew wider, as she spoke up once more. "Are you and Y/n... Close?~"

Thoma coughed slightly on his apple juice, looking at both me and Scara for an answer.

Scara looked at me, thinking for a moment... In all honesty, I wanted to know this too... Did he consider me as a close friend..?

"I... I don't really talk to anybody else, so yeah, I guess she would be the closest person to me.", Scara responded, watching my reaction curiously.

His words weren't bad, just more... Vague than I hoped for.

I guess I just got my hopes up... Should've known he wouldn't go into detail...

Lola nodded, with her hand on her chin. "Mhm, mhm... I see, I see...~", she said, as if wanting more information from Scara.

Scara got up from the bed, grabbed a glass of water, and threw away his empty juice box. Scaramouche took a sip of water, listening in on the conversation.

Thoma shifted slightly, sitting more anxiously. He chirped in too. "I would imagine you guys were close... You call him Scara, after all. Instead of Scaramouche."

Scara instantly spit out his water, overhearing what Thoma said.

Oh dear God.. This would be hard to explain...


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