~Mentor? pt.2~ Chapter 22

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Y/n's POV

Scaramouche ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it out in a way. Did he not like the ponytail? Odd. I didn't really mind. I guess he knew more than me about this situation. He is my mentor, afterall. I looked into his eyes, and spoke, "Do you like my hair more when it's down?"

Scaramouche looked back at me, turning back into a serious person. He nodded firmly, taking his hands out of my hair. I ruined it once again. I shrugged and let it be. I grabbed the ponytail he had put on the kitchen counter, and put it around my wrist. "Noted." was my response to his nod.

I turned back to the pastries and finally got to the hardest part. Decorating. I needed to make it look appealing to customers. I needed it to look cutesy. Scaramouche let me decide on this part, mainly so he could nit-pick on things I did. It made sense. He looked at my hands, rather silently, while my mind and heart were racing. They were racing mainly because of pressure. I swallowed heavily, feeling my hands get stiff as I started to work on a design of a strawberry and a cat. I wanted to impress him. I didn't know why I wanted to impress him, but it just felt appropriate. I did slightly more detailed than I was confident with. My hands started to shake as I did the small details of the seeds on the strawberry.

Scara sighed. "Your hands are shaking." I felt him move behind me as I decorated the pastrie, and a warm against my back. His arms wrapped around me to my hands. Her gently grabbed them, looking down on them from above my shoulder. I looked at him, confused as to why he was grabbing my hands like this. "Like this." Scaramouche said, gently guiding my hands over the pastrie.

I felt a sense of warmth overcome me. I don't think it was from the temperature. "As much as I would dislike you messing up, you shouldn't have to worry about showing your flaws infront of me; I'm your mentor, after all. Just try and relax and try it again. That's what I do. You should be grateful that I am giving you my secrets.", Scara explained to me.

It kind of... made me feel better. Scara was right. I shouldn't have to worry. It was kind of a waste of effort. I just wanted to impress him, but now he's the one impressing me. I started to care less about doing it perfectly, and I just gave in to what Scara wanted my hands to do to decorate. He stayed pressed against my back the whole time, till it was finished. He pulled away, finally, and opened his mouth to speak. "Now, time to give it to a customer."

"Okay... What if they don't like it?", I replied.

Scara shrugged and made a 'Meh' mumble. "Then that sucks for them." He said back to me.

I was caught off guard by his words, but they were fitting for him, most definitely.

After we discussed what to do, I walked out with a fake smile on my face. I couldn't believe how embarrassing this was. How was HE able to do this flawlessly? I walked up to the customer that had placed the order. It was, what looked to be like, a teenage boy. I greeted him kindly, and apologized for the wait. The boy just smirked at me, and looked down at what I was wearing. My smile was still on my face as I set the plate down on his table. "Hope you enjoy it!" Was all I could think of saying to him.

He took a long look at my body, before opening his mouth to speak. I knew it wasn't going to be good. "You took a while so it better be good. But I'll forgive you since you're hot."

Right when he said that, I swear, I bursted a blood vessel. I had to keep a smile on my face, even though I was weirded out. He opened his mouth to speak again, grabbing my wrist when I was trying to walk away. I looked back at him, still smiling. At first he looked at me, then looked past me. His face changed drastically. His smirk turned into a face of surprise and discomfort. What was he looking at? I felt a warmth behind me.


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