~Inbetween Two pt.3~ Chapter 35

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Y/n's POV

Scara's hands held me where I was, just in place. So I did just that. I stayed put, despite the warmth of my face. I didn't mind this embrace, even in this cold weather. Scara stayed dead silent about it, yet it seemed so smug in a way. Scara was always such a maze of feeling. You had to take the left wall to see where it took you, unless you felt like taking a risk that may just cost you something. I thought I was following the left wall, but perhaps not? Was I playing it risky this whole time. Like, yes, the kiss, sure... But I thought I was playing it safe? See? It's a maze.

For both of us.

Thoma was still, seemingly, interested... At least, partially, to what Lola was explaining about loads of makeup. And just giving reviews on some things that she tried out that, admittedly, looked like ass. It was slightly frustrating that Lola was talking in combination to savoring her ice cream in this cold weather. It made me slightly irritable, but that quickly ran along with the cold breeze that blew against us, the metal of the bench reminding us about upcoming cold weathers. I would've sighed, yet again, but that would make 'smoke' come out of my mouth. The warm breath in heavy contrast to the cold weather. Such a dramatic couple. Warm and comforting... With cold and distant. It was like I had to choose, but for some reason the distant option just seemed so curious to me. There had to be more. I found that I wasn't thinking about the weather anymore. My mind often goes on trips and takes me with. Sometimes down the good ol' memory lane, or the current trip... The internal rant. It's the same feeling as falling deep into your thoughts, even into sleep. Then the car crashes and you remember all your embarrassing moments. Almost like a hypnic jerk, you can't help but flinch while your mind is putting up its middle finger in a taunt. I can somehow imagine mine having a French accent. "Ohoho! Fughck yogh!", I can imagine it saying. With clear (not really) diction.

My body relaxed reluctantly in Scara's persistent grip. It was the awkward tension against your body when two things are pulling against you. One is yourself, while the other is somebody else preventing it. The tight tension. The tiring kind in my body that made me have to relax into his grip. It was better than whatever cramps I would've gotten from staying in that position. Much better, even though I had to pay the price of the uncomfortable comfortable feeling of his body being slightly pressed against mine. A cozy feeling, quite frankly. I chose to stay silent, and not make a big deal about something like this. I had no real reason  to make this a big deal. I honestly... liked it. His warmth. ONLY  his warmth. In this cold weather warmth was such a cozy thing. But that's enough ranting. 

After what seemed to be forever, Lola finally finished. This gave Thoma just the break he needed to see just how close I was to Scara. Lola too, of course, but for some reason Thoma's facial expression was more noticeable, in a weird sense? My heart almost sank seeing Thoma's soft and warm smile melt into a slight frown. His soft and curious eyes becoming more hooded, with a clear hint of confusion. That same confusion rubbed off on me like a disease. I caught that disease. Quickly. Scara didn't even notice. He was scrolling on his phone, while letting me rest against him in such a way that was almost... protective? It was hard to tell. Most definitely, hard to tell. 

Lola got up, arching her back backwards, her arms raising into a good stretch, that screams that her attention span had reached it's limits. With that, Thoma joined in, his confused expression fading away in an instant. Me and Scara followed pursuit, the comfort slowly fading away to the cold distant feeling. From both the weather and Scara. The sun seemed so glazed over by clouds. It was such good weather out earlier, so it was quite confusing, to say the least, that now it just decides to laugh in my face. 

I honestly now wished that I let Lola take even more time out of that moment. I immediately missed it. Even if I hated to admit it... I did. 


Now we are off to the makeup place! I was back to standing in between both Scara and Thoma, which was less annoying than before, luckily. My skin was getting inpatient from the temperature. I could already feel my skin dry, even. Step after step was just pushing more of me into the embrace of the winter breezes. I didn't want to consent to this embrace, but I couldn't particularly decline it. It was annoying to say the least, but ice cream made up for it... kind of. Or, I suppose, what happened after I finished my ice cream is a better kind of grateful return. Scara's body just felt so warm... it was like, for once, everything was cold but him. That very thought was a thought I never thought would run across my mind. (I know I said "thought" three times in one sentence sighhh) 

It was like my body was now craving Scara- no. It definitely was. I wanted his warmth against my skin. Was that so wrong to ask? ... I take that back, it may have been.

The rest of the walk- not even. The whole afternoon... he was on my mind. ESPECIALLY because of last night. Nobody can blame me for that one... 

That was a bluff.

I was so oblivious to just how attached I would really find myself to feel with Scaramouche. It was dangerous- It was a risk. I would soon realize that I wasn't following the left wall of his maze at all. I didn't want out, and that just trapped me instead. Heed my warning; I was not playing it safe.

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