~Hired!!!!~ Chapter 18

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Y/n's POV


My hand rested on the cold, metal doorknob, frozen in place. My heart was racing. Was there someone in there? I was frozen in place. It took me a while to get back into my senses, and put in the code for the dorm. I opened my door confidently, seeing all the lights off. Completely off. I walked a couple steps forward, before I heard the door behind me shut. Not even the lamps I kept on were on. Now it was completely pitch black. Hearing the door slam shut, I shrieked from instinct. I was positive someone was in here with me. I backed up until my back was against the door, feeling the walls till I felt my metal bat that I kept in the corner. It was for self defense, and I was in a stance that showed that I was able to use it. Not that anyone would see, but still. I walked forward, hesitantly, squinting my eyes so I could see where the light switch was. I finally found it and flipped it on.


My eyes widened in shock in reaction to a popping noise. I looked ahead of me, my eyes hurting from the sudden light. Confetti was shooting in the air with party poppers. Two people held them. I dropped the bat instantly, and sighed in deep relief. Lola and Thoma stood before me smiling widely. "Surprise!!!" They both shouted, even though this was a dorm.

I smiled happily from this. I spoke up, obviously delighted "What is this for? My birthday is in a month."

Lola quickly replied, seeming like she had already rehearsed this exact conversation. "You got hired, didn't you?"

How did she know?

"How did you-" Lola cut me off. "It was simple, really." She started, putting a hand on her chest to be dramatic.

"You were gone all day, so I invited myself into your dorm. Thoma was outside of his dorm, so I invited him too." Lola finished in a quite innocent, regarding the fact she had nearly given me a heart attack.

"And how exactly did you get in?" I asked, still dumbfounded about the 'surprise'.

"I found your diary under your drawer, in your desk."

My eyes widened even more, about to say something when Lola cut me off, yet again. "No, no, I'm just kidding. I memorized your code by now! I just found your diary at a sleepover. I didn't look through it or anything."

I sighed in massive relief. I would have to hide my diary someplace else now, especially since Thoma now knows about it. I nodded, before coming up to hug the both of them. I was grateful for their little surprise, and heavily relieved. I hadn't realized just how tall Thoma was till I hugged him. He hugged me back without hesitation, before I backed up. I wanted to make sure he wasn't uncomfortable, since I just hugged him out of nowhere. The expression he had on his face was perfectly happy. From as far as I could tell, he was perfectly fine with hugging me. Lola was as short as ever though.

Lola then pulled out a bottle of beer, from literally nowhere. She had a mischievous grin on her face. My stomach wrapped around itself at the sight of the alcohol. I felt like barfing. The feeling of being sick overcame me as a brand new sense of nostalgia that I had never experienced, nor wanted to. I had promised myself I would never drink again, especially since last time I ended up being on my enem-... friends floor...

Thoma didn't seem too amused by it either. I could tell by his face expression to the alcohol alone that he wasn't a drinker. I only just wondered if he could even handle alcohol. Lola was the first to speak up. "Oh, come on, what's up with the faces? It's not like we aren't old enough to drink, y'know. Hell, we could even play drinking games to make it more interesting!"

Lola had a cheerful smile on her face that only just screamed *gun behind head* "Smile!". Thoma had that exact same feeling, apparently. He timidly put his right hand on the back of his neck, chuckling awkwardly. I felt the need to do the same, but really, how bad could it be? I was in my own dorm, afterall. It's not like anything too wild would happen, besides just dead collapsing on the floor in attempt to sleep... But I did have to work in the morning, after all, I had just gotten hired. I tried to defend myself. "Lola, I have to work tomorrow..."


I sighed, putting my head down slightly. This was my signature action for defeat. "Fine."

Lola exclaimed loudly "Yay!!!"

I looked towards Thoma, and saw his hesitant facial expression. While Lola was pouring drinks in the kitchen, I turned towards him. I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear me. "Are you alright?"

Thoma looked down at my concerned face and smiled slightly. His smile made me feel warm immediately, almost like it rays of sunshine on a hot summers day. "I just don't do too well with bitter tastes, and beer is a not too sweet taste... but I can handle it, don't worry."

That warm feeling must have raised to my mouth, because I was smiling at him... quite warmly. He didn't even say anything too special, it just more of happened. He wasn't a fan of bitter tastes. That was somewhat amusing. Not in a mocking way. In a way... It was kind of cute.


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