~Rather Silent~ Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

I found myself wanting to see more of this supposed "soft side", but I couldn't stay confident that it would stay. I outhaled deeply, following him out of the bakery, once more. He seemed pretty calm, considering what had just happened. I enjoyed seeing him calm... It almost just put me at ease to. Today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I thought I was dead meat when I found out Scaramouche worked at such a cutesy place. Maybe me knowing this would lead him to open more? I could tell he was timid in a weird sense of thinking.  I shrugged. He spoke up calmly. "We should probably head back to the dorms. Might as well go together, especially since it's already pretty late."

I agreed. We were going the same way, after all.

We walked silently side by side. It wasn't that long of a walk, but still definitely something that felt awkward to stay silent during. My mind began to wander. That's when I remembered how I had cried into Scara's shoulder last night. That made me seem even more awkward. How was I able to forget that and act like we were close friends? I had no idea. I looked to see the side of his face as we walked. His gaze was focused on in front of him. He didn't even realize I was looking at him. He was probably lost in thought too. I wouldn't bother him or pester him more. I was willing to give him space.

As I thought about it more, it didn't make sense that I always managed to think of Scaramouche even when I "hated" him. I think I used that excuse to cover the fact that I was really intrigued by him, and wanted to know more, but forced myself not to care. Could I consider him a friend now? Did he consider me as a friend? All I have done was just pester him and rub off all of my dramatic feelings. I felt bad for that, and wanted to apologize. I just couldn't bring myself to break the silence.

Scaramouche couldn't either.

I started to get anxious, and felt guil-

"Should we name the black cat?" Scaramouche broke the silence, and my train of thoughts, which was probably for the better.

I smiled, and thought about it. "I hardly know the kitty, but you could.", I said feeling awkward about last night.

Scaramouche could tell I felt off, so he kept making conversation. "I'm no good at names, plus the cat likes you more."

I nodded, not knowing if I should've responded. I wasn't good at names either.


The brisk wind ran past my body, sending cold shivers up my being. At least the kitten had my cardigan to ensure it stayed warm. I wasn't going to complain about being cold, especially since that was my own decision to leave my cardigan. I also didn't want to seem like I was digging for attention like some attention seeker.  We just kept walking. I replied a while after. "I should get to know the cat more..."

Scara could tell that something was on my mind. He turned his head towards me, with a curious look plastered onto his face. I didn't want to make eye contact. I just hope that I wasn't a burden to him. Would he get tired of me while he mentored me? Was he already tired of me? Probably. The questions came rushing back, but I had to remember what I had said before. I would give him time to show me if he thinks of me as a friend or not. He spoke up gently this time "Would you want me to mentor you, or someone else? Loid didn't ask your opinion on it..."

I smiled slightly from Scara seeming like he was trying to consider my opinion in the whole thing. I replied, slightly more confident than last time. "I don't feel that comfortable around other guys that I don't know, even some that are my age. I would feel more comfortable with you, but if it's too much of a burden, you could make someone else mentor me." I turned to smile at him, showing I "didn't mind" if he didn't mentor me.

I was hoping Scara actually wanted to. Everything I said was true, I really didn't like interacting with older men.

"I don't care too much about it, you wouldn't seem like a burden. If anything, I would only feel fine with mentoring you. Nobody else. I don't like hanging out with people, but I actually know you. Plus, if you're uncomfortable with being mentored by any other men than it's probably for the better to make sure you're comfortable." He said, not changing his facial expression.

Even if he didn't, he still seemed sincere. I appreciated that. I was grateful to him. Even if he did all that mean stuff, I especially appreciated this and other things he did. I was still kind of pissed at him for the water bottle thing, but I doubt that would happen again. Unless it's on accident, somehow. I replied with a grateful smile, and softened eyes. "I appreciate that. I guess we are meant to be partners after all, just like Loid said."

Scara nodded in agreement.

We both looked up to see that the dorms were close. Scara spoke up once again, and broke the silence. "I guess we're almost there."

I nodded this time. I had a harmless question, so I asked it. "What time should I be at the bakery?"

Scara answered without hesitation. "4pm works."

"Alright, thanks." I said in response to his straightforward answer.

We both eventually parted way once we got into the hallways of our destination. I was about to open my dorm door when I heard a loud bang from inside. Was someone inside of my dorm?!


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