~Forgetful Night~ Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV

Everything from then on was a blur. I had no idea what happened. Anything could've happened. I must've passed out at some point because I woke up in an unfamiliar room. There still felt like there was a fog in my head. It felt weird. I had never, ever, got that waisted. I sat up and groaned. Where in the hell am I? Then I realized I had been sleeping on the floor. Wow. I didn't even notice. At least I had a blanket.

I got up and took a look around the dorm, and it was pretty clean, unlike mine. I then heard the bathroom door open.

"Oh, good, you're awake. Since you drank about as much as you weigh, leave. You should be sober enough to put in the passcode to your dorm now. You probably forgot, but I had to take you here since you forgot your own passcode." Scaramouche said in a sour tone, as he walked out of the bathroom.

Scaramouche was drying his damp hair with a towel.

"Mind filling me in on the embarrassing stuff I, probably, did?" I replied in the same sour tone.

Scaramouche just stood there looking down at me, and mumbled one word "pathetic" Then he just went back into the bathroom. He wasn't gonna tell me. Frowning, I got up and saw my bag sitting on a table right beside the door, alongside my phone. How did he even know where my dorm was? I am not near him. Did Lola tell him? Did I tell him? I just forgot about it, and let it be.

I walked out the door, still wondering what might've happened last night. Hopefully not anything too bad. It's funny, you get embarrassed, drink it off, then get embarrassed even more, cause you drank it off. Circle of embarrassment, truly.

Eventually, I found my way back to my dorm, and flopped on my bed. That was before I was hurling in the bathroom. Luckily, it was the weekend. I just chilled out for the majority of the day. I ended up sleeping, as well. Then hurling, again. Endless cycle.

When I was about to go back to sleep I heard a knock, and I slumped toward the door. I cracked the door to see nobody there. There was just a bag with what looked to be hangover meds and some fresh soup. I smiled. I didn't know who it was, but I was grateful. I took the disgusting meds, and ate the soup afterwards. It was really good.

I woke up again, but with a different warm feeling. My whole body was red. I felt like I was getting burned all over. I felt weak. I groaned. I felt terrible. This was torture.

After a day or two of being sick I decided I would never get drunk again. That was the worst hangover. I took a cold shower to refresh. My body still felt somewhat weak, but it didn't bother me. I was just wobbly. I felt extremely cold after the shower, so I wrapped up in my blankets. Then I realized I would have to thank Scara for letting me stay over while drunk. And, probably, apologize for anything that I possibly did. I wiggled off of my bed and slowly flopped onto the floor. I was not motivated. At all.

I groaned and got ready, to be presentable. Then I went to his dorm with a latte. I just knocked. My heart was racing. Why am I here?! Should I run for it?! He suddenly opened the door wrapped in blankets. I almost felt like laughing when I saw cutesy patterns of strawberries. It seemed familiar. I snapped out the thought quickly and brought my eyes to his. One of his eyebrows were up, as if confused. I held out the drinks and thought of what to say. It took me a second to actually say something.

"Here. It's a latte. I don't know what happened when I was drunk, but thanks for letting me stay for a bit." I managed to finally say.

Scara looked down at the latte. Then back up to me. Was he considering taking it? He looked slightly happier when looking at the latte.

"I hate you, your voice, your face, and everything about you. Even choices in drinks.", He said in the normal sour tone.

I was somewhat surprised. He looked down again at the latte, and quickly took it from my grasp. Then he slammed the door in my face. My mouth was slightly gaped. What just happened? Why did he take after insulting everything about me...? I just went back to my dorm. I took the time to buy him a drink for him to take it after telling me he hated it. Was this a win? Or lose? I can't even tell. I just chuckled by the thought of him wrapped up in cutesy stuff. I should get him a strawberry hair pin. I laughed at the thought of his reaction.

At least, he took the drink. If he hadn't I would've felt like shit. When I got to my dorm I decided to play some songs on my piano. Just for innocent practice. I kept drinking the drink that I got for myself. Then I realized it was a latte. It was the latest I was gonna give Scara. Haha... I gave him the wrong drink. I gave him mine. I just sighed. I was just gonna get myself a better drink later. Hope Scara was enjoying my drink. I wondered why the blanket was so familiar. I had seen it before. Did I see it a store? Is it a comment design? It didn't make sense when I realized it was the blanket that I was wrapped in. At his dorm. When I woke up. It really didn't make sense. Why in the world was he wrapped up in the same blanket? I really do wonder.


You're My Enemy...Right? [Scaramouche x FEM! Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें