~What happened?~ Chapter 5

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Lola's POV

"Mmm.... Y/n, could u make some breakfast, please?", I asked with a tired voice.

No reply.

"Y/n?" I repeated, while opening my eyes.

Nobody was there.

I suddenly sat up to see a note on the pillow, that read "Feel free to make yourself breakfast, before I get back. I just took a small walk, and will be back soon! ^^". I groaned, and flopped back down onto Y/n's bed. She knows me all too well.

After some time of pouting, I took the blanket and rolled back and forth on her bed, with the blanket wrapping around me. I accidentally rolled too far, when I heard the dorm door opening. I tumbled to the floor, trapped within the blanket.

"Is that you, Y/n?!" I shouted, carelessly.

I couldn't tell if it was or not. Until I heard her laugh from my position.

"Don't just stand there, and help me!" I exclaimed, annoyed.

She laughed even harder than before. It caused me to roll my eyes. I shrieked when I felt a tug on the blanket withholding me.

After Y/n finally set me free from my misery I went into the bathroom and put on some lip gloss, to refill my wounded ego/pride. I almost dropped my lip gloss when I saw Y/n's reflection clearly in the mirror. She had bite marks and hickeys all over her neck. I even blinked a couple times. It was so unbelievable.

I put the cap back onto the lip gloss, and turned to face her, with widened eyes.

"Okay... Y/n.... What exactly happened on your walk?" I asked, pointing at her neck.

She instantly covered it with her hand, as if she forgot about it. Her face was burning up from just the mere mention.

"Who did that?", I added onto the question.

Then I looked closer at her lips. They were slightly swollen. Must have been a fun walk.

She stayed quite for a bit. She was probably considering telling me what in the living fuck happened while she was out for a "Small walk". Her lips parted slightly as she was about to tell me.

"... I ran into Scaramouche."

My jaw dropped. So did my lip gloss.

Y/n's POV

Wow. Lola was more flabbergasted than me. Wow.
I tried to think of the best way to describe what happened. Every second I thought of what happened my face would just get redder, and redder. It was so intense.

I eventually gathered my thoughts and explained what happened, how I kissed him first, and all that fun stuff. She was truly speechless.

When she actually spoke all she managed to say was "Wow."

Wow indeed.

"And you said you guys hated each other... You guys fucking made out." She said in a tone of disbelief.

I don't blame her.

"He did say he hated me. He also said that he wanted to  be good to me, but he also wanted to destroy me... What does that even mean?" I asked, since she would of course know what it meant.

Lola put her hand on her head.

"He likes you, idiot."

I just shook my head. We have no feelings for each other. Or, at least, he didn't. I didn't know if I did. Was it really a act for revenge?

I decided to ask her the question I couldn't wrap my head around. "Do I like him?"

"Why else would you kiss him?" She responded.

"I was thinking of it as an act of revenge..." I mumbled.

"You are a strange one, for sure. You have to be the one to figure out whether or not you like him. Not me. Anyways, I have a date soon. I'll be headed out."

I nodded, and decided to give my mind a break from that overwhelming question.

"And, hey" She started, turning back towards me. "Good luck with 'Bad Boy' complex."

I laughed at her comment. I was a bit sad she left but I just shrugged it off. Lola was so good at romance. I'm not. If this is romance, it feels so weird. It can't be romance. It just can't. I quickly snapped out of thosw thoughts and made myself breakfast. I decided to make some extra for Lola, since she always lives breakfasts foods. I could just give it to her later today, or even tomorrow. I felt very tired, and I didn't know why.

After I got done with eating breakfast, I put some in a container for Lola. Then I washed the dishes. Somehow, I ended up going into the bathroom, and that's when I realized just how bad my neck looked. Makeup would not cover it up, and my hair wouldn't either. I groaned and put my hands on the rim of the sink and put my head down. I'd have to either skip classes or deal with it. I couldn't afford to skip classes, so I had to deal with it.

I knew for a fact that I would avoid Scara with all my might. He just brought trouble on a leash. Oh yeah! My hoodie! Why did he have it? Did he take it from the janitor's closet? That would explain it. But why? Why would he take it? It just doesn't make sense. Especially when he just gave it back at the end. He is truly a mess of mystery.


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