~How it started...~ Chapter 1

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(Author's Note: This is actually my first ever wattpad story, so I hope it won't be too cringy. I will try to update often! If u want to see something in this story, feel free to comment it. I can't promise I'll use it, but I will credit if I do! I hope you guys have a good read, and have a good day!)


Y/n's POV.

Darkness enwraps me. It's suffocating. The silence grabs me by the behind of my neck and meets my lips with it's own. I was forced into restless submission. How did this happen? I'm stuck. I was trapped in a cruel dance alongside greedy demise. I feel so exposed... So vulnerable. Hands block my vision, depriving me of any control left in my being. I feel like I am in sleep paralysis. How did I end up here? I can't force my eyes open. Hands wrap all around me, choking me, pinning me, pulling me. I am suffocating with demise.

Let me recall what happened...

It first started when I had just got enrolled to Teyvat University. The first day I made sure to be nice to everyone around me. For the most part, everyone returned the peaceful mood. There was one exception. Somebody named Scaramouche. He gave me a disgusted look when I greeted him and tried to introduced myself. He just ignored me, and my whole existence. He then would start sketching in his sketchbook. He seemed very... Odd. I had to admit, he was quite attractive. Not his attitude. He had dark indigo hair, with what looked like to be bangs. He had a harsh stare, that I swear, could murder someone with a single look. I decided to match his mood instead. I don't think Scaramouche appreciated that. Ha. Sucks for him.

I woke up quite dazed from a dream I just had. I looked at my alarm clock, and surely, it just had to be an hour before when my alarm was set to go off. It was 4am. Since I knew I would likely not be able to go back to sleep, I got up from my comfortable bed and looked out the window. It looked quite... depressing. The sun hadn't quite risen, and there was rain pouring down from dark clouds above. I sighed, and brought my attention to getting myself ready. My surroundings were decently small, considering I was in a quiet school dorm. Not so quiet at night, unfortunately. I went into my bathroom and turned on the lights. I looked at myself for a second. I then brushed my hair out, and put in a loose ponytail. I got dressed in a outfit suit for the weather conditions outside. I got my phone with no new notifications, and made myself some eggs and toast for breakfast while listening to some music. After I was done eating I got finished with getting ready. I looked like an average human being now, with no eyebags. I packed up my stuff and left. I didn't mind being early. There was just one problem. Scaramouche was always early. How unlucky was I?

I walked outside realizing I didn't have an umbrella, so I used my hoodie and ran for the doors of the actual college. I panted once I actually got there and realized my hoodie was drenched. I just sighed once more and strangled as much of the water out of it as humanly possible. I heard someone behind me chuckling. You hopefully already know who it is. If you do, you were right. It was my enemy, Scaramouche.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at him. It was quite weird that he showed more of a interest in me than before. "Wow! I can't believe how pathetic you are!"
He said with his arms crossed. This infuriated me. I walked fast past him, and headed for the janitors closet. I didn't think he followed me. I was quite wrong. Once I was inside, I set my damp hoodie on a rack to let it dry during the day. I turned back to the door to see Scaramouche smiling mischieviously, before shutting the door in my face. It could only lock from the outside, such a stupid design. I, of course, tried to open it, and sure enough, he locked it.


You're My Enemy...Right? [Scaramouche x FEM! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now