~Cold Weathers~ Chapter 36

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Y/n's POV

All was good, despite the missing warmth that Scara had provided and the breezes that warned of winter, but I digress. We all strolled our way down the sidewalk at a good pace that very clearly said 'That's enough of being outside'. Or, at least, that's what I was getting at. There was very noticeable silence between all of us. We all let Lola take the lead in this. She was the most entertained by the makeup haul idea, anyway. That was Lola for you. 

I could almost feel both Thoma's and Scara's harsh glances at both me and each other. Thoma was most definitely a bit taller than Scara, but that didn't take away Scara's chihuahua kind of scary dog privilege's. Thoma would probably be a golden retriever if we were to call him a dog. It fit him just like how Scara was like a chihuahua. Such contrasting moods from both of them. Both moods were oddly attractive. Thoma was caring, cautious, bright like sunshine, and overall affectionate and very respectful in his own way. Scara, however... Scara was cold, distant, oddly needy in a way, almost like a cloudy night sky, mysterious, indirect, independent, hot-tempered, and even... Protective in a way. It was very odd. He was just confusing, while Thoma was blatantly an open book.

Our footsteps made a rhythm on the concrete sidewalk. My arms were hugged to my stomach, for both comfort and any sort of salvaged warmth. My body felt reckless under the pressure of the constant spine-chilling winds. It caused slight shivers to sputter into my body. Thoma seemed to have taken notice of this, starting to strip his hoodie off of himself.

Before I knew it I felt hands travel onto my hips, finding their way into my pockets with a sense of urgency. This caused me to flinch, my eyes bolting wider. As if on instinct, I looked over to see Scaramouche not by my left side anymore. He was behind me. His hands were in my pockets. Why? He had his own pockets. Why mine?

I looked behind me, forced to slow down because of Scara walking directly behind me in unison with my own walking pace. For some reason, I felt some odd tension. I didn't know from where, but this feeling of tension was getting hella old. I heard a weak excuse of a whine near my ear. "My hands are sooo coolddd~", Scara whined, as if taunting something or somebody.

Mocking? I can't even tell. I just know that I wasn't quite expecting Scara to make a whine like that. "Then put them in your pockets, moron.", I hissed back at him with a roll of my eyes.

I didn't need Scara to get into more mischief or even more tension. Plus, it was hard to walk like this.

"I simply don't feel like it.", Scara replied through a stubborn grin.

Scara's hands tightened around my upper thighs, and hips, through my pockets. It felt like fireworks exploded in my stomach in that very instant. He knew that nobody could see what he was doing. This sneaky bastard. I needed for him to chill out. This wasn't like him. This was a whole new kind of Scara that I both welcomed and questioned. See? He was confusing. He was oddly needy in a sense. Especially how I saw him last night. However, I felt like this was a bit more then just 'needy'.

Even when this side of Scara makes me feel so many things, it was also making me feel annoyed. I didn't need this to go like this in front of Lola and Thoma.

I stopped walking and 'accidentally' stepped on his foot. "Oops.", I sarcastically remarked back at Scara. He didn't budge.

Soon, we found ourselves stopped at a stop light. The cars urgently stroll their way on pass. Thoma looked heavily annoyed from something. Maybe just getting irritable from walking so much? Right when I thought everything became more calm and tame, I felt a blow right against the back of my neck, reaching the back of my ear. My body flinched, a gasp escaping my lips. I could hear a faint chuckle from behind me. He was getting stubborn.

Thoma's eyes met mine, as if making sure I was okay. He seemed even more annoyed. I felt Scara rest his head on my shoulder. I could feel his lips curl up into a smirk. He was enjoying this. The tension was just growing more and more between him and Thoma. It was annoying me, but wow... I don't think I would mind this if we weren't in front of other people. I hated admitting that, but I knew it was true deep down either way. It was a rebellious sort of feeling in comparison to when I simply viewed Scara as an annoying brat.... Now he was somebody that I wanted close to me. I hated admitting that. I hated it so much, but it was undeniable. He was somebody who I have grown to be more comfortable around. He was somebody who I thought of daily.

What was wrong with me? How did I change this much?

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