~Addictive...~ Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV

Why can't I stop thinking of HIM?! I must hate him that much. Haha...

I sighed. My peace was disturbed. I brought my thoughts back to reality, and walked back to shelter. I was soaked, but I didn't care all too much. I would just have to get ready again.

Then I remembered something.

I completely forgot about my hoodie in the janitor's closet! I went all the way back to the school building, and into the janitor's closet. My eyes widened when I didn't see my hoodie in sight. Someone took it. Which caused me to sigh. I was truly, TRULY unlucky. I walked all the way back to my dorm.

Or, that was my plan, anyways.

I was stopped by someone pulling me into a near by alleyway, by my wrist. Luckily, the rain had stopped. It was so dark, I could barely see anything. I was so scared, yet I didn't react. I don't know why, it just seemed so... familiar. The person pinned me against the stone wall, that had some graffiti. My eyes were finally able to adjust, thanks to a lightpost at the end of the alleyway. My first reaction was to laugh. It was, non other than, Scaramouche.

His hair was damp, and dare I say, it looked good like that. It showed that he'd been out here for a while, like me. I wondered why.

My train of ridiculous thoughts was cut off by his voice.

"I told you not to tell anyone! Now you made me look like a soft, idiot over some pretty girl!"

My mind couldn't even focus when he called me pretty. I wanted to hear more, but I wanted something else. He was so close. He smelt nice, too. Why does my mind do this? It's truly a curse. I was just curious. What would happen if I kissed him? Would he run off?

Before Scara could finish his lecture, my arms wrapped around his neck, and my head came close to his. His eyes were wide in that moment. He was distraught. I closed my eyes, and let my lips part his. He instantly broke the kiss, and looked away. His hand was over his mouth. I could escape, but I didn't want too. This was my revenge. I just closed my eyes, and wondered if I regretted what I did.

I suddenly felt hands quickly trace up my arms, and stopped at my wrists. He pinned them over my head, and my eyes instantly widened. I was about to speak when Scaramouche kissed me back, but much more passionate. His breathing was fast, and hunger filled. I don't know what came over me, but I closed my eyes. I let him kiss me. He was so rough, as if angry. His grip on my wrists wasn't gentle, but wasn't painful. The noises that came out of my mouth into his were not holy in any sort of manner. I felt him smile, and he went further. He slipped his tongue past my lips, causing me to gasp in surprise. Our tongues swirled around each other like some sort of dance. Why was I enjoying this as much as I was? That was a true mystery.

He pulled back from the kiss with a trail of saliva left behind. Think it's over? Nope. He kissed me again, but rougher. It truly left me breathless. The kiss broke once more, but he just moved down to my neck.

"Don't ever try and provoke me.", He started in a serious, yet flustered tone.

"Especially when you're this addictive..." I could feel him breathe in my scent.

"I can't handle it.... I want to be good to you, yet I want to destroy you from the inside out... I truly hate you, but since you want every body to know I did what I did before, let them know about this, as well."

Then he started sucking on my neck. At first, gently. I bit my lip to keep any unwanted noises from slipping out. My eyes widened when I felt teeth sink into my neck. It would definitely leave marks. I gasped when he bit again, and again, and again. He wouldn't stop. After some biting, he'd lick the marks, then bite again. It hurt. Why didn't I tell him to stop? It felt almost as if he was eating me alive. I couldn't stop myself from grunting and moaning from the constant biting. He chuckled.

I was so relieved when he started sucking instead of biting. My mind was blank, and my eyes were shut. It felt so good.... I didn't even realize how I was getting louder, and how red my cheeks were.

Scaramouche then finally stopped and backed away. He held my wrists up to get a good look at my expression. He too was flabbergasted. I looked so vulnerable, and flustered. I knew that he wouldn't go further than that, and I'm glad.

He let my arms back down to my sides, and I sighed in relief. Then yet another realization hit me harder than the others. I had kissed- no... Made out with my enemy... And I didn't even complain, or try and fight back. At almost the same time we both widened our eyes and covered our mouths in surprise. We just made out. He just left bruises and hickeys all over my neck. I made the first move. Why?

Scaramouche backed away even more, and looked as if he was in disbelief. Then I looked closer. He was blushing, and smiling. He truly confused me.

I weakly said, "I need to go."

I walked as fast as I could out of there. To my surprise, I felt something hit my back. I turned around to see my hoodie. My eyes shot up, but nobody was there anymore. Scaramouche had disappeared. He was nowhere in sight. I wrapped my hoodie around my waist. Why in the world did Scara have my hoodie?


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