~Cold Weathers pt.3~ Chapter 38

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(Hey guys, important half announcement. I have gone back to the first ever chapter of this ff and added more of an introduction that will prove to be important to the story entirely. I would highly recommend going back and checking it out for more of the additional plot. Another thing, I have been conflicted on going back to previous chapters and adding more, if not redoing them while keeping the plot... or just waiting until I'm finished then redo the whole story separately, while keeping this one as an ancient artifact... Anyways, back to the chapter ^^)

Y/n's POV


My head shot to Lola, seeing her face contort in annoyance. It was sad to see her beautiful face be butchered with such harshness. Even while I'm not a part of the petty party, I still felt my heart sink to my core. I felt like I had just gotten disciplined like a child. My lips didn't quiver, but instead felt glued shut. I didn't dare test if they were, in fact, glued shut.

Thoma and Scara were both very nicely startled. Their lips did the same. They didn't dare. It was amusing to the mind to see Scara's eyes widened while his Adam's apple motioned that he was psychically swallowing his pride. It was euphoric to me. Such satisfaction enwrapped me in such a tight embrace. Thoma, however, he looked ashamed. He knew he had forgotten some of his morals. He looked like a whimpering puppy. He stared down, his eye brows furrowing with a clean curve. His hands were fidgety, and filled his pockets, instead of Scara's hands, that just so happened to be filling mine.

Silence danced in the air, being tripped by the sounds of cars going by, a couple reving up painfully loud. I always hated when people did that. It wasn't 'cool', it wasn't 'swag', just annoying. But annoying was better than silence mocking us, and even going as far as to partake dance in front of our faces. Like we were fools in this play. The silence was just as painfully loud as the cars.

The sound of nearly in sync footsteps are what I focused on to cure my own anxiousness about the situation. As much as I wanted to demand Scara to let go of me and to walk beside me, not close enough to smell if I put on deodorant today. Which shouldn't really be a problem because I did put on deodorant. But, I didn't want him to bring all of the shared bodyheat along with him. It was painfully enduring. Delightfully annoying.

My hands found his, sharing his warmth like this as well. I reluctantly wrapped my hands around his. It was an act of desperation. Not for his affection, just for his body heat. So, yes, I was using him for his body... If we're reading the technicalities here. His personality is shit anyways. Can't convince me otherwise on that one... At least, not easily. Scara's hands didn't budge, nor did I think Scara really minded.

My nose threatened to be a faucet without the tabs. This caused my reoccurring sniffling, which I'm sure was amazing ambience for Lola, Thoma, and the annoyingly handsome man pressed up against me, nearly tripping me. Being outside like this was truly and utterly miserable.

God, if you're really there, let me not sneeze just this once. I don't need two handsome males to be snotted on. Please and thank you.

I was in a wrestling match with my nostrils. I began to walk a bit faster, Scara stumbling behind me, yet refusing to unsheathe his hands from my warm spa-like pockets. Thoma and Lola matched my pace once they picked up on what was happening. That store was a couple blocks away now, surely.


The door's handle was cold to the touch, but I didn't quite care. I couldn't even feel my hands much anymore. The only savior was Scara's almost veiny hands. They were still in my pockets. Lola nor Thoma didn't bother asking about it. I could feel the warmth of their stares, however. Thoma's glares being the most noticeable. I just acted like I didn't notice them.

Pulling the door handle forward, leaving Scara's warmth, I held the door open for Scara, Thoma, and Lola. Scara growled slightly under his breath, not wanting to budge inside, but I pushed him inside the best I could, forcing him to go into the real warmth. Lola went in with ease, and walked with pride. Thoma followed pursuit, not really showing much interest nor dislike. I followed after I held open the door for a couple behind us.

The store was warm, it felt like I was food thawing. I quickly sat down on the nearest bench, right near the entrance, to rest and thaw properly. My legs felt like they were paralyzed. My gaze looked at the group, content with watching them. Scara was quite confused in an environment like this. Surrounded by all types of makeup that he likely didn't even know the name of. There was also skin care things that he actually did look at. Did he do skin care? That would be amusing to hear him talk about. He did look like a man to keep up his hygiene. Lola was looking at foundations and eye shadow. Thoma just followed Lola. Thoma looked back at me curiously, picking up something. He looked back at me again, but I couldn't see what he grabbed thanks to Lola being in the way.

My head turned, peeking out of the glass window right next to me. I saw a couple of couples holding hands, hugging, and so on. A feeling that was sour overcame me. Not only sour, but almost guilty, yet sort of in awe. Was love really real? Sure, elementary school crushes were things. That wasn't exactly love, or at least, that's not what I viewed it as. Highschool puppy love existed... But that wasn't here with me. The only person that followed me into college was Lola. I loved her, yes, I just couldn't imagine myself risking our relationship like that.

Once my body felt warm and cozy, I stood up, stretching. I went over to the mirror, fixing my clothing or just making sure I didn't look bad. Right next to the mirror just so happened to be lipsticks and lipglosses. It wouldn't hurt to look at. I crouched, looking at all the different shades. It went from blacks to purples to reds to oranges. There was variety here. It was entertaining to look at. Footsteps followed behind me. A warm hand traced up my throat, followed by another hand doing the same. Both trailed up until they were at my jaw, then chin. One hand went down to my throat, while the other tipped my head back hitting soft clothing. A familiar scent hit my nose almost immediately. I looked up to see the oddly acting indigo haired man. His eyes peered down at me with amusement, petting over my neck like I was some cat. The amount of butterflies I had in that moment scared me.

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