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Murtasim bought gajre for her

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Murtasim bought gajre for her. And told her to wear it. As it was matching her green colour suit she wore today.

Murtasim went out for some of his gaon work. So meerab ate her lunch with maa begum.

And they shared some hearty conversation. Maa begum shared murtasim's childhood memories to Meerab. She laughed reminiscing about them and meerab along with her.

Maa begum also assured her of haya. As she was sent off to her Goan. She won't be troublesome to meerab.

Also scolded haya. For coming between the couple.

Meerab and Murtasim went to a fair. And they got out of the car. And meerab said, seeing a golgappa stall ahead of her.
" Aa aajao."

Murtasim : " Yaha aana tha tumhe."
(You wanted to come here.)

Meerab : " Haa. Ab chalo."
(Yes, now let's go.)

Murtasim : " Kahan Jaa rhai ho meerab."
( Where are you going, Meerab?)

Meerab : " Golgappe khane."
( To have golgappe.)

Murtasim : " Golgappe?"

Meerab : " Haan. Pehle kabhi nahi khaye golgappe."
( Yes, have you never had these earlier?)

Meerab went ahead to the stall and said,
"Ek plate tikhe Dena, bhaiya."
(Give me the spicy one.)

Murtasim : " Meerab yaha se chalo sab mujhe jaante hai."
( Meerab, let's go from here, everyone knows me. Please.)

Meerab : " Kyu? Tum kio celebrity ho Jo sab tumhe jante hai? Bhaisaab aap inhe jaante hai kya? "
( Why? Are you a celebrity that everyone knows you? Brother do you know him?)

Shopkeeper: " No sister."

Meerab : " Dekha. Zara jaldi bana dijiye."
(See, Make it quickly please.)

Meerab started eating spicy golgappa. She offered murtasim only to eat it by herself.

Murtasim hid his smile. They also bought green bangles which matched the suit she wore today.

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