{Chapter 30}

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A/N~ Alright! So it seems that I've had a few readers not like how the story ended saying it was too confusing, asking why there were so many POVs and I hear you, so!...
I give you the original ending to the story, the ending that doesn't end with Mikey waking up from a coma...
And I want the readers who put their input in my inbox, all of them are super valid, and this is for those who were not satisfied with the ending, however, if you were, I'm glad I made a terribly written story that you love(for some reason lol jk) to come back to...


POV Mikey:

"Mikey?", a voice...my ears rang as the voice echoed in my ears. Looking around all I saw was a bright light, 'Why is it so bright in here', lifting my hand, I blocked the light, whining as the brightness burned my eyes, 'What is that?-', squinting my eyes, I tried so hard to see who was talking, "Oh my god!-", and just like that the light disappeared, leaving bright floaters in my eyes. I tried to blink them away, rubbing my eyes and trying to clear my vision, but something grabbed ahold of my hand, pulling me up, "Mikey!!! We need to hurry?!", the person tried to pull me up but as he pulled hardly I felt so... dizzy, numbness filled my body, my arms and legs spasming as I tried to pull himself, but I was confused. Opening my eyes, I peered around the room, 'Why am I in the hallway?', flipping over onto my side, I used my arms to push myself up, my arms trembled, pushing harder and harder against the floor, only for my arms to give out, slamming my back against the ground. "Mikey! We need to hurry! Please!", painful whines bellowed from my chest as I laid there, I felt so weak, like I was...



'Kids?!', without hesitation, my body flew forward and my eyes opened wide as I stared down the empty hallway, Donnie yelled, his ar tugging at my shell, but I couldn't hear him, I trembled as I flipped over onto my belly, pushing myself up, stumbling to my feet. I switched my gaze looking from one end of the hall to the other, thoughts running through my mind as I tried to figure out where I was, 'How long was out?! Why am I still here?! Why didn't Bishop take me or fuck even kill me-'

"MIKEY!!!", Donnie grabbed my arm, my breath came out labored and I could tell that I must have looked like a mess, he looked so scared, but why, "Mikey-"

W H Y     A M     I     S T I L L     H E R E

W H Y     D I D N T     B I S H O P     T A K E     M E

It took some time for Donnie to understand what I said, but I didn't have time, my kids were taken somewhere, somewhere that wasn't with me, I went to rush past him, but he followed after me, his bo tied firmly against his shell, while I had no weapon, only my bare hands, "Bishop left to transfer the kids personally to the facility. Before Bishop left, however, he ordered the droids to transfer you to a separate facility where the kids weren't!"

T H E N     H O W     A M     I     S T I L L     H E R E

Walking past the laboratory, I could barely hear Donnie falter, like he needed something from the lab, only for him to sprint towards me right after, "Centi and I destroyed all of droids-", he walked by my side, stopping me as his hand pointed down the rest of the hallway, pointing down the hallway full unconscious droids lying on the against the walls there motionless, I was shocked, I wanted to be proud to thank my brother for this, but now wasn't the time, so I walked towards the closest elevator. Donnie continued to talking, talking about seeing Bishop when he was outside, talking about everything, but I didn't care, I needed to be faster, I needed to be better. Quickening my steps, I started jogging, running, sprinting down the hallway as I traced my steps, filing through memories of the days I walked through these hallways, walking from one room to the next, repeating the same thing every single day.

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