{Chapter 30}

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POV Mikey:

It hurt...

Everything... hurts...

Cracking open my eyes, a harsh blinding light was the only thing I could see, so I shut my eyes just as quickly, it was too bright, lifting my hand as far as I could, I tried to block the light, but my arm never could reach far enough, my body felt heavy, my arms felt heavy 'Where...am I?', squinting through the bright light, my arms could barely lift off the table, I felt weak. Looking around the area, I tried to see where I was but, I didn't recognize it. But I knew something was somewhere other than TCRI, 'Did the Kraang take me to a laboratory, did Bishop take me somewhere hidden to put me back in my place?!', however, when I looked around, I didn't see a droid at all, instead a bunch of mutants...as well as what looks to be, 'April?!', I went to push myself up, to look at April, but something held me down, someone held me down. I hissed harshly, glaring at the figure that held me down, 'Why are there prisoners using me as a test subject-, wait...why is April here?', I looked back at April, she was farther than before, almost like she stepped away, but why? A chirp fell from my mouth as I pushed against the hands that held me down, she said something, or rather her mouth moved and not a word came out, was I deaf, no I knew I wouldn't become deaf from a simple punch, I powered through much worse, yet their voices were muffled, they were yelling at something, all I knew was that it was too loud, my ears hurt, ringing uncontrollable, so I covered my ears, pulling my legs close to my chest as their voices got louder and louder.

"Hey!...", for once since I woken up it was quiet, I looked towards the voice, recognizing who was talking, 'Donnie!', I smiled as I caught sight of him, yet it was strange he didn't look happy at all, however, the opposite, he looked... concerned.

D O N N I E     W H E R E S     C E N T I

W H E R E S     M Y     K I D S

Donnie never replied, so I repeated myself, maybe I tapped too quickly, he just started learning, so I tapped again.


W H E R E S     M Y     K I D S

He still didn't respond, I reached for Donnie, and he walked forward, but he didn't get a chance to speak, I saw it...

'M-....y- H-hands...', I pulled off my blanket, only to see the same thing, I was back, back to be my normal, my weak self, 'No-', I touched my neck, my collar was gone as well, "Mikey?-", my arms were weak, my body was weak, but as he came closer, I grabbed his arm, digging my nails deeply into his skin, yet it did nothing, my claws were clean, filed down to a smooth edge. I glared at Donnie, but... he just stared down at me, waiting for me to speak, but I couldn't, my throat hadn't been used since Bishop let me speak. I tapped my finger against his arm, the tapping echoed loudly in the quiet room.

W H A T     H A V E     Y O U     D O N E     T O     M E

A soft beep sped up in the background, filling the air as I tapped his skin again, "What is he doing?!"

"I-I-I'm not sure-, but Mikey you need to calm down, your heart rate- your blood pressure", I didn't care about my health, I didn't care about what these other mutants had to say, I didn't even care what April had to say, 'I DON'T CARE!!!', I shoved his arm away, 'I need to leave-'

"MIKEY!", someone grabbed me, a mutant, one that looked similar to me and Donnie yet...different, he wore a red mask, I scoffed as he made me face him, 'Possibly a creation made by Bishop himself, a disgusting tactic'. His eyes kept staring at me, I tried to pull away but he kept me still, making me face him, "Donnie did nothing to you-", I was shocked, he understood, but how...so I tapped once more.

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