{Chapter 19}

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POV Dannie:

Screams...screams echoed across the hallways, echoing loudly at different variations of pitches, my body felt stiff as I turned towards the noise, my hand resting on the knob that lead to the meal prep area. I needed to think, but all I could hear was people screaming and fighting against something, 'if I grabbed some slop that should be fine for the kids...right? Ugh, I wish Centi was here!', shoving the door out of the way, I scanned the room, I was shocked, the room was stocked with not just slop, but different ingredients from all over the planet, and even some that looked like it came from Dimension X. Walking around the room, I searched for anything as I read each label, boxes filled with room temperature vegetables and even pasta, it was odd, even though we had such a wide variety, we were brought gruel every single day. I walked further into the kitchen and found what looked like a fridge, opening the fridge wide open, and smiled seeing a fresh gallon of milk, "Great! Wait...can baby turtles have milk?", finding a large flask, I poured some of the milk into the container, shutting the fridge right after.

I continued to look around as I set aside some leftover gruel from the day and placed it all in another container ready for us to eat, that was when my eyes caught something, "Baby... nutrients?", pulling out the box, I looked through the items, vitamins, nutrients, anything that was inside was packed neatly inside the crate. This could be used later on, so I left it inside the kitchen and placed all the food I grabbed inside a spare plastic bag, 'Flying will probably be the fastest way I can get back to Mikey...but I haven't flown in a while', carrying the sack towards the door, I pushed it open and peeked through the crack, seeing nothing in sight. Using my feet, I grabbed the bag as I stood outside the kitchen, staring down the dark flickering hallway. Raising my wings, I flapped them over and over, lifting a foot off the ground, 'Oh yeah let's go!', souring down the corridor, I stayed silent as the sound of metal and wood collided sounded off ahead of me, in this moment silence was my best friend. Gliding down the hallway, I flapped my wings a few times as I kept myself up in the air.

"We're not winning against this thing, Leo!"

"That's because we're fighting a literal mutant that can casually run 40 miles per hour!!!", I stayed silent knowing that these creatures sounded like no one I had ever met throughout my time living inside this facility, 'Are they intruders?!', my question was answered in moments, not even a foot passed the hallway a rope wrapped around my leg, pulling me back. I screamed, trying to escape the enemy's hold, knowing my end would come soon, "Back off! I-I-IIiiiii...", I pulled out a container from the bag, holding it above my head as I stared at the shadows that stood in the hallway, "I'll chuck this at you!...", their white eyes continued to stare at me. 'Mikey's probably not looking at the cameras, I need to get back'. I stepped away as I continued to hold the container above my head, "Wait!", one of the figures screamed out, reaching for my as a hand was placed on my shoulder, its breath was heavy, almost sounding like they were out of breath...

"Heh...hey Flaco...", I knew that voice, swiftly turning around I looked at the slightly taller mutant standing before me, "Centi!", hugging the centipede as hard as I could, "We need to leave...that's Pequenito's family", whispering, however loud enough for me to hear. I spun my head around as the mutants and humans emerged from the darkness, 'They...do look like-', grabbing the bag from the floor, I hid behind Centi, staring at the intruders, waiting for someone to speak, yet...no one did, so I decided I needed to break the silence, "Why are you here?!", their glares of authority and strength changed to just blank stares, watching our every move, "Every Prisoner was transported to other sister facilities, so why are you here?!", I questioned them, waiting for their answers, their comebacks, but they just whispered amongst themselves, that was until a short turtle with a blue mask walked forward, staring at the two of us, both hands gripping his swords. "We didn't mean no harm-"

Trapped Withinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن